Discussion: Gowdy To Trump: Recognizing Russian Meddling Won't Delegitimize Your Win

Putin admitted that very fact today.

It was probably the only TRUTH, spoken at their joint news conference.


It’s almost touching listening to Trey go ‘Say it ain’t so, Joe.’


So essentially, Gowdy is saying that Trump committed treason today to protect his own ego. And somehow, that does not require any kind of action on behalf of Congress.
I can’t make an argument that any of T’s motives for his complacency are in any way ok, but if he is being blackmailed, at least keeping himself and his spawn out of prison is on some level, understandable. But to suggest that the whole process is to protect not the legitimacy of our election process, but T’s ego…


Gowdy Doody, I guess I agree with you because Trumpy has already delegitimized (sic) his “win” his own damn self. The recognition of Russian meddling by everyone under the sun except the fat fuck himself is just the olive on top of this shit sandwich.

Thanks for enabling a traitor though, dickweed.

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Idiot! Why is Pencil Head Trey trying to shore up the feelings of Orange Julius Cesar? Enough already!

And while I’m at it, I am so sick and tired of the word “Meddling”, I could fall over. My Aunt Betty “meddles” in my business, it is hardly what’s going on here Russia- U.S. elections. Ya’ll sound like a bunch of milquetoasts!


… I am confident former CIA Director and current Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, DNI Dan Coats, Ambassador Nikki Haley, FBI Director Chris Wray, Attorney General Jeff Sessions and others will be able to communicate to the President it is possible to conclude Russia interfered with our election in 2016 without delegitimizing his electoral success.

This is BS and Gowdy knows it. Other than FBI US-IC does not engage in domestic affairs.

They look for espionage and criminal acts.

A determination that Russia’s attack (not “meddling”) altered the election results is not in their domain.

That’s the job of Congress.


A ten year old telling a toddler not to cry.

Kubler-Ross came up with five stages of grief:

  1. Denial
  2. Anger
  3. Bargaining
  4. Depression
  5. Acceptance

The GOP is still at Denial with regard to Trumplestiltskin. Some, (like Gowdy) are in denial, but there is some bargaining mixed with it. This is why we see the schizophrenic behavior from him (to a degree – I truly believe some if it For The Base, too).

While it used to be thought that “stages” of grief were stages in the sense that we move through them to acceptance, I think they are better thought of theater stages where we act out some of the components of grief. Based on what I see out of the GOP at this juncture, I think we are going to see lots of Denial and Bargaining (well, yeah, the Russians did muck around but it wasn’t that bad, and Trumplestiltskin isn’t really Putin’s cockholster are bargaining).

I’m not sure when we are going to see Anger and Depression performances from them. We may not see them until after November 6, and then only if the electorate hands them their asses. I’m a little concerned that their gerrymandering of the nation may prevent that from happening. Some very few of them (John Kasich is the only one I can thick of offhand) have reached the point where they are working on the Acceptance stage. Jeff Flake and Bob Corker look to me to be mostly on the Anger and Depression stages.


That last sentence struck me a little differently, though I was not considering its source.
It read to me like an attempt to get 45 to take the first step on a slippery slope. Gowdy – and anyone else – can say that the Russian interference did not deligitimize 45’s election, but we (and they) all know it did. But for 45 to admit that the Russians interfered, he has to believe it did not. So to convince him of that, sugar coat the pill. Once he has swallowed it by admitting to the Russian interference, it’s too late. The sugar coated bitter pill will lead him down the slippery slope, if you will.
I will grant you, this may not be what Gowdy has in mind, but if it had been me saying what he said, it’s what I would have been thinking.


Pence is awful, he was only on the ticket to get the political support of evangelicals for Trump. Impeaching Trump Would divide Trump supporters. The evangelical Christian nation would peel off and support Pence as quickly as it takes to say “amen”, but the white nation racists would be furious with the dethroning of their cult leader. They won’t support Pence and might cause havoc in an attempt to carry on the destruction of our values. Pence would not be able to pray them away. The GOP would implode.


Gowdy To Trump: Recognizing Russian Meddling Won’t Delegitimize Your Win but it will result in Putin releasing the Pee-Pee Tapes.

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This is fascinating - Republicans are reduced to defending Trump from charges of treason or weakness, by claiming he’s too vain, self-centered, self-aggrandizing, and and too self-serving to act presidential.

And they don’t even seem to realize that’s what they’re doing.



There is no redemption for Gowdy Doody. He proved his worthlessness in the House hearings last week with his pathetic performance. He didn’t want to hear from a main intelligence officer because the guy said mean things about tRump, even though he also said mean things about other candidates. He only wanted to lambaste the intelligence officer in public for tRump’s benefit. Now he’s trying to say our intelligence agencies know what they’re talking about? Where was this pretender last week? Gowdy is a fool.


Craven leftist RINO!

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Is Gowdy suggesting that Russia meddled in the election for sport? Any normal person would conclude that Russian wants something for the time and money they put into this. Not only is Trump’s election illegitimate, his actions as president are criminal. He is not working for the American people, he is working for Putin. Benghazziguy needs to acknowledge this or he is complicit.


Shut up, you little inbred troll.

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The American Hero, John Lewis, made the same statement in December of 2016. He has basically disappeared from public view since that comment. Donald Trump is not a legitimate president. The POS Democratic Party is also complicit, never mind the GD GOP, in perpetuating this charade. Every judicial appointment should be invalidated. Every Executive Order nullified. Every Bill with his signature is invalidated. Get with the GD program DNC. Your man John Lewis called it what it is before Day 1. You have no excuses, only complicity, if you don’t fight back like you actually mean it.

Trout-faced ‘Tres Gaudy’ can’t actually believe such a pronouncement carries any weight-- especially from him.

Gowdy To Trump: Recognizing Russian Meddling Won’t Delegitimize Your Win

But hey you’ll be the first U.S. President to an asterisk (*) behind your name.