Discussion: Gov't: Butina An ‘Extreme Flight Risk’ Who Was In Contact With Russian Intel

Speaking of Think Progress, they have apparently been on this story for quite some time:


It just couldn’t have happened to a more deserving viperous, godawful, cold blooded POS. Screw the optics. This one has no soul.

“Upstaging Anna Chapman”

Not. Even. Close.

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The self parody of the gop continues apace. Now there’s a Russian spy sex scandal going that is even too obvious for a B-movie spy thriller and these clowns fall for it. This clown Erickson even made an anti-Communist movie “Red Scorpion” and yet he falls in with a Russian Gun Rights (talk about your basic oxyMORON) advocate less than half his age who plays him like a total ingenue.

You get thrown out of a writers’ room for crap like this.


I don’t if it’s lover number 2 (maybe there are more), but Rick Wilson has heard that a “conservative luminary” was involved with her. He assures us we will hear about this.


O I could speculate so wildly on that conservative luminary - Hannity perhaps?


Have people seen this video of the statement that John Bolton recorded for her group? This is fairly incredible.

I know the very serious people are clucking their tongues at Sasha Baron Cohen’s new show and claiming that it’s the left’s version of James O’Keefe. Aside from the fact that the 10 minute clip I saw was hilarious and the show is timely, it also gets the comparison wrong. SBC is the non-Russian version of Maria Butina!


Could we be so lucky? His name did dramatically show up in an unexpected context once already…


I hope we find out. hahahahaha

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She may be a risk now but that’s because she wasn’t smart enough to get out of Dodge when the heat began going up 6 months ago. How stupid can this woman be?

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She hasn’t acted very intelligently, that’s for sure.


I’d revise that: those on the side of America want to keep her safe and free from harm. Those serving Vlad The Poisoner Vladimirovitch, of course, not so much.

We will find out everything this woman knows. She’ll cough it all up. Mueller is going to come down hard on her and if she gives a damn about seeing Mother Russia again she’ll talk long and hard. Other wise she won’t see an America sidewalk for 50 years.

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Dim bulb, barely luminous.


I said this yesterday and got piled on by others who said: No she won’t talk because Putin will kill her.

It’s too late. She stupidly let her choices get narrowed down to nothing. Yes she’ll talk - that’s all she’s got. And the only way she can stay alive now is to; put herself under the protection of our law enforcement.


Bill O’Reilly with his falafel hands?

It seems like she was getting ready to clear out imminently, so she finally figured out she was in trouble, but didn’t realize it in time. I posit her prior unconcern is a mix of arrogance and the continued fundamental misunderstanding of US law and customs from a Russian perspective. In Russia, Putin is the Czar more or less. If he wants something to happen, it will happen and if not, it won’t. They put that same level of power on the US President. An “independent judiciary” is anathema to them and they don’t believe it when we say we have one.

So they probably thought that so long as Trump was “in charge” she would be safe because Trump’s people wouldn’t go after someone who could compromise Trump’s people. Seeing Mueller’s investigation moving apace, they probably finally got an inkling that they had assumed wrong, but by then it was too late.


I’m sure her handler (Torshin) was telling her to stay put.

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This sounds right.

As a 58-year-old, i am offended that she did not consider her 56-year-old American GOP boyfriend (Person No. 1) to be suitable co-habitation material and was just using him for “access”.

Person No. 1…

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