Discussion: Gov't: Butina An ‘Extreme Flight Risk’ Who Was In Contact With Russian Intel

Oh, I think this document has wrecked ALL sorts of havoc on this treasonous dope’s ego.


This one I don’t recall…what Dossier section?

Poor Person 1.

[No, not really.]


Totally based on her life. These losers aren’t creative.

Is the FBI investigating this woman too? I hope so.


The funny thing about the 4.0 is that twice before this info came out I had posted in other threads where people were commenting about the 4.0 that it was entirely possible she was cheating.

Surprise, surprise.


Whaddaya mean they have our email?!? There wasn’t anybody else in the room when I sent it!


Frustrations must mount at FOX news, a sordid scandal with sex and spies you can’t report on because the NRA is involved ?
That is not going to end well.


Oh I hope so. She sounds delightful. And she’s piling on the geisha makeup right here in Montana. Bet she and bouncing Butiina are best friends. Sooooooo much in common.

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Ruh roh! Sexual favors are the only kind the media really cares about. You can bribe a politician with any amount of money and it won’t be a continuing story unless there’s an attractive girl involved. That’s why Stormy Daniels became such a big story despite her being just a small part of one of the lesser Trump scandals.

Mainstream journalism is part of the entertainment industry. Always has been, always will be. It’s all about attracting eyeballs to sell to their real customers: Advertisers. That’s why we have TPM, to tell us about sexual favors before anyone else.


Yeah, I didn’t think there was a chance in hell she was even putting in the work, let alone possessing of the brains, for those grades. She has been MUCH too busy for that kind of homework…

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As I said on another thread, could God(dess) love us so much that the NRA goes down with the whole of the GOP ship???


Please, I am eating.

Or a young Geddy Lee.


A bit early for our Friday treat ?

An NRA sex scandal involving a russian beaty, Donald doing his usual things and team Mueller messing around in closed court rooms ?


Since the pleading says “on at least one occasion,” I wonder how many people got the generous offer of sex in exchange for a position in their “special interest group.” And if they might decide it’s a good idea to call the FBI before the FBI calls on them…


According to Think Progress,

U.S. Person 1 = Paul Erickson
U.S. Person 2 = Rockefeller heir George O’Neill Jr


“Oh, baby, I may be a fool, I’m wasting my time by going to school.
The way you got me lovin’ you so, I can’t do my homework anymore.”

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And don’t you think for an instant that’s random. We must have plenty of Russian “operatives” sleazing around in the back rooms of the GOP/NRA at this point. But if you want to get this scandal numbed, ADD country’s attention, she’s perfect.

She is guilty as hell, her arrest will throw crap all over the NRA/GOP, and she is the train wreck no one, including FOX and the Trumpster idiots, will be able to turn away from. Oh the photos ops, oh the gory details, oh the NRA/GOP lies and humiliations.

This should be good.


As a Wisconsinite, I’m praying that she had disappointing sexytime with Scott Walker. That would give me very happy sexytime.