Christie can help, but bear in mind he can only DH at this point in his career…
On balance I’m not happy about this guy stepping down.
Christie has a WH job, he’s the chairman of the opioids abuse committee.
The poor man must’ve felt like a tiny chihuahua on the Endless Pantleg of Trump Corruption.
After a while, the whole exercise just felt exhausting and futile.
Probably feels like a snack and a nap at this point.
I think it’s safe to say the governor won’t be taking second on a mishandled ball in the outfield.
And the vice-chair of the Camel Toe working group.
Say it ain’t so, Joe! Schaub had awsome pithy comments about Trump and his tax returns. What a loss!
Sources close to Trump revealed the two finalists to head up the Ethics office are Bernie Madoff and Jack Abramoff.
The italics gave it away did it?
What’s more amazing is not that the ethics director made a statement of no confidence in resigning early, but that the next government ethics director will be appointed for the next 5 years by the most unethical so-called President to ever hold office. That will be the most cognitively dissonant appointment ever, and probably just another tentacle into the most infamously corrupt administration in history.
He probably needs a pinch-runner for the long trek between between home and first.
The President of the United States with Senate confirmation.
Head for the lifeboats, the administration is sinking! Women, children, and all people of conscience first!!
I give Walter Shaub respect. He’s not fleeing a sinking ship to save his hide. He did as much good as he could do in an incredibly difficult position. Now he’s taking a new position where he hopes he can be more effective.
My guess is we’ll see the Office of Government Ethics wiped out on the next budget. Jared or Ivanka probably thinks the office serves no point and can be gutted.
It occurs to me that the next president, who I wholeheartedly believe will be a Democrat, will have a mandate to remove every PP appointee possible, top undo everything PP put his grubby, tiny fingers on. So whomever replaces this guy and Comey’s replacement only need worry about a 3 1/2 year lease.
That was uncalled for.
Eye bleach please.
He says he can’t teach an old fraud ---------------ethics.
We’ll, the Senate has to approve the appointee. So you know only the highest caliber candidate can pass McTurtle’s blessings.
Wow….never seen that image. Sheesh.