Discussion: Gov. Scott Walker OKs Looser Gun Law One Week After Charleston Shooting

Discussion for article #237828

Opponents said allowing non-uniformed officers to carry guns at schools could scare students.

Opponents should be made to explain how non-uniformed officers carrying concealed guns at schools could scare students. Maybe opponents should pay closer attention to the wording of the law.

“signed a “castle doctrine” bill giving homeowners more legal protections if they shoot an intruder.”

THis just in: UPS and FedEx workers unions demand flak jackets for black and minority employees. Story at 10.


Just as soon as you tell us where all the Good Guys with Guns are when it comes to stopping stuff like Charleston. You still haven’t answered that question.


But a woman still has a waiting period if she needs an abortion.


Women in Wisconsin have to wait longer for the constitutionally protected right to end a pregnancy than a person has to
wait to get a gun.


All the news of shootings in Charleston and right-wing pols blathering from sides of their mouth has obscured the reals news of the day; Bobby Jindal announced today he’s running. Was that a thud I just heard?

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Scooter is such a piece of work. Here he goes again with loosening gun laws. It will take a long time to undo the damage he has done to our state (roads, education, infrastructure, environment, etc. etc.) all the while increasing corporate welfare.

On abortion and “life issues,” there isn’t a more conservative elected statewide official in the country. Walker not only believes abortion should be banned even in cases of rape and incest, but that conventional birth control pills should be banned as well.

If Walker were to prevail in the Republican primaries, he would be the first presidential candidate to come from a church whose members believe the Apocalypse is “imminent,” do not allow women to serve on congregational boards of elders, practice “speaking in tongues,” and do not believe someone is a real Christian unless he has been “born again.”

Walker has also said, “there is no separation of church and state in the Constitution.” In social media, he has suggested that God works through him and literally speaks to him. For example, according to Walker, God spoke to him and instructed him to marry Tonette—after one date.

Heaven help us all and please deliver us from Scott. I can only hope as others learn more about who he is and who he stands with he will lose his appeal as he has with Wisconsinites. In April, his approval rate was at 41% but since then his budget woes have made him even more toxic.


I really hate this guy!

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Fuck you, Scott Walker.

I’m just to fucking tired of these gun fetish assholes to be eloquent tonight.


Forget it Fargo. He’s like and automated response machine. Press 1 for gun defense, press 2 for… You can’t reason with a machine.


Amen. I really, truly hope that karma is real, and it catches up to Scott Walker and all conservatives of his ilk. Fuck him, indeed.

Is there an exception for women entering reproductive health clinics?

So, sweetie, when you see a stranger walking around school with a gun, don’t worry.

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[quote=“littlegirlblue, post:7, topic:23070, full:true”]
Bobby Jindal announced[/quote]

Did he at least take a selfie so people will believe him when he says he did?



Backers of allowing off-duty and retired police officers to carry concealed weapons at schools said it would create another line of defense for students and teachers if a shooter attacks.

I keep wondering how long it will be before one of these armed so-called protectors “accidentally” kills an innocent student.

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Calling Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. Time to focus attention on Governor Sleaze.

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When will the public “get it”…?

These are not leaders, these are power-grifters who literally don’t care if you are killed by gun violence. Stop voting for these fuckers.


I’m really ready to just go with “monster.”

What could go wrong?