Discussion: Gov. John Kasich Clashes With GOP Legislators In Ohio Over Healthcare Debate

I am from Ohio. Ohio under a Repub governor must be Hell. Add to that, the GOP Trumpcare bill and you hit level nine on the Hell scale.

Nya-nya-nya-nya-nya: RINO! RINO-RINO-RINO. RIIIII-NOOO!

It must be such a dilemma for Kasich because he’s “torn between two lovers”. On the one hand, he so wants to beat the crap out of poor people and minorities; but on the other greedy hand, he knows that his state cannot afford NOT to take federal money if it’s available. He must be about to go insane. How can he finesse this to allow him his ideological orgasm brought on by screwing poor people (and enforcing his morality play upon them), and rake in that sweet, sweet Medicaid subsidy for the same losers. You’ll figure it out, John. Deep down, you’re still an extreme right wing wack job who’ll do the wrong thing in the end.

You have stated it so eloquently, with the appropriate degree of venom. I have lived in Ohio my entire 52 years, and I find the national opinion of Kasich to be far better than is warranted.

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NC GOP makes these Ohio bums look like rank amateurs.

Right? I’m from Ohio and I agree.

Well, Gov. Kasich could fill some of the budget hole with taxes from medical marijuana … grown on “brownfield” sites lol

This is how the Democrats win. You don’t have to have a message other than we are for the expanding Obamacare when the Republican are looking like the health care policy equivalent of the EITSATZGRUPPEN SS.

This debate is slowly filtering down to the State level, where there is nowhere to hide. Kasich has the rhetoric down pat. Let’s see what’s left of him now that he is between the RINO’s and the Tea Party jihadists.


Fentanyl for all!

Probably not what the Ohio Tourism Board was shooting for…

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