This is about business owners that don’t wanna have to choose between their Christian faith, their sincerely held religious beliefs, and being able to operate their businesses.
He mentioned Christian businesses more than once. They don’t even try to pretend this is only intended for Christians and could give no shits about all “religious freedom”.
So I was disappointed that you could see Christians and their businesses face discrimination in Indiana.
Had Chuck Todd practiced some actual journalism he might have called him on this and asked him if he’d feel the same about any non-Christian religion practicing its freedom.
For me, it’s the egregiously dishonest like Jindal. Crazies can’t help themselves, but at least they truly believe they crazy they spout. They can hopefully find a good therapist someday and/or get on the appropriate meds. That’s not the case with the egregiously dishonest. They know they’re spreading lies, they know they’re damaging the country, and they know what they’re saying hurts decent people who don’t know any better. They just don’t care. They don’t care how badly innocent people will be destroyed. They just want power and they’ll do anything to get it. IMO, that’s far worse than a crazy person spewing crazy.
I doubt he will. Jindal is running for VP and betting on a moderate winning the presidential nod. He wants to be the extreme conservative who sells the nominee to the bitter base that wanted a true believer. So, his state will lose all kinds of money, his state will be trashed all over the media, but what does he care? He wants to be president someday and he’s happy to destroy Louisiana in the process.
This is not about “The Gay Agenda” or “Religious Freedom” - this is about “Human Rights” and “American Values”.
The words - “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal…” were written in the first of the three most remarkable documents in human history. Those simple but extraordinarily powerful words are the conceptual cornerstone of the moral and legal foundation of The United States of America - Equality for We The People.
These Koch Cabal Regressive cultists hate democracy and they hate the American principle of Equality for We The People, they are un-American bigots.
Bobby isn’t worried they’ll come after him. He’s sure that the bigots KNOW that he’s not like all those other brown people. Jindal belongs with Ted Cruz and Rand Paul in the category of people who are the stupidest smart people around. The media calls them smart, they think themselves to be smarter than everyone in the room, they have followers who think they’re smart, but in fact they do and say some of the most ignorant, racist, anti-human things imaginable. It shows how much smarter they are than you and me!
yea, i guess i was more holding these two up next to each other for effect… i think you are right, and that it’s just dishonesty… no one as smart as jindal (and lets not kid ourselves, here, he’s a rhodes scholar, and head of a healthcare company in his late 20s… he’s smart…) can seriously believe the bile he spews… i guess there’s nothing saying you can’t be a sociopath and intelligent, both.
Great! This means Jindal will never, ever be POTUS. Nor should he be. Granted it was a long time ago, but I remember being taught in grade school that in the U.S., we have a separation of church and state. When did this change? I guess someone forgot to send me the memo.
Jindal has destroyed the Louisiana state budget; his approval rating is 27%; he is barely involved with preparations for the upcoming session of the legislature, which needs to tackle the dire financial straits; Jindal is scared to death of Louisiana media.In short, Jindal has nothing going for him, which is why his average of all the 2016 Republican primary polls is currently 1.5%, meaning 98.5% of Republicans polled do not support him. He is usually in last or second to last place, at the bottom of a 12 candidate roster, being considered a third tier candidate, if he is even mentioned. Some polls do not even deal with him any more.
Jindal is not even remotely close to being a contender. He is wasting everybody’s time, and no, he is not going to get the VP slot either, because he brings nothing to the table, especially no voters.
I agree he wants the VP nod but he doesn’t even have a chance of getting that. Why do they need LA and Jindal when they can pull in Walker and hope for a purple state win? For all his scholastic creds Jindal is sorely lacking in common sense. He’s a footnote.
Well, maybe here is a more exact analogy. Back when Mario Cuomo was looking like the most likely Democratic presidential candidate, Republicans, almost all of them, started calling him “Mario” all the time. They obviously wanted to point out that he was Eyetalian, not one of us. Also, in most rural areas, that his name was kind of sissy and gay. It was despicable. So is this.