Discussion: Gov. Jindal Backing Broad Anti-Gay Bill Introduced By State Rep

I think we can already see the broad outlines of the 2016 Republican Presidential campaign, regardless of who the nominee is: The Democratic Party is pro-Iran, pro-gay, and anti-God. The Republican Party stands up for God, Hetero Jesus, and America. I hope whoever the Dem nominee is can do a better job of dealing with the smears than Dukakis and Kerry.


Guvnah Me-Too+

279 days until it leaves office. And Diaper Dave takes the manse. I never thought I would be grateful for Vitter! Nauseating to even type!


Wow, Piyush Jindal. It is clear that this guy was bamboozled into having a high opinion of himself. He now shows he is really just a stupid blasphemer like santorum but, being preceded by vitter and succeeded by scalise in the US House is something anyone would want to divert attention from.

Poor little Piyush is a raving right-wing bigot—and he believes that he has a future in national politics.



Jindal. Still trying to be one of the guys in the “in crowd” will always go with the extreme. He’s that guy who will do anything to prove he’s one of “them.” Makes him even more dangerous. FYI, these bills aren’t just about gay people. That’s a foil for a greater agenda, like, ACA and refusal to allow treatment for “religious reasons” and general discrimination of Muslims, minorities and for resegregation purposes.


Calling him Piyush like that implies any shame in the fact that he decided to go by Bobby isn’t really any better than the “Barry Soetoro” or “Jon Leibowitz” comments. It looks like an attempt to either otherize or claim cultural betrayal, neither of which sit well with me given how much I grew up around other first and second generation Americans (and half count as one myself.)

He was born in Louisiana. He’s lived there his whole life. It’s not unrealistic that he feels more connection to a name like Bobby than to Piyush. Names are a personal thing. Respect that.

All of that said, holy crap, Jindal is an idiot.


Is there a single right wing bandwagon this guy has not jumped on? Talk about leading from behind. Once Jindal endorses a position, it must be considered by the right wing as a sign that the issue has run its course and time to move on to something else.


Spot on! They’re turning the laws of this nation into a religious interpretation of their own strongly held beliefs. “Religious freedom” must trump all individual liberties. If my religion says that i can discriminate, then i must defend my religion from secular logic, and pass laws to allow me to discriminate against anyone who is different from me (and those who think like me). The voter suppression laws and the religious freedom laws are a part of the same, growing threats to American democracy. They officially took office pledging to upohold the Holy Bible of the United States; not the Constitution of the United States. Religion trumps everything! If you say otherwise, you’re attacking their religion, thus justifying the passage of religious freedom laws, enshrining their religious beliefs as the law of the land. Go on! Defend a secular state! I dare you! Just by defending Constitutional law, you’re attacking my religion, which goes against the Constitution you’re defending.

It’s all so perfectly simple.

Yes, i said simple!

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“What’s that all over your neck?”

“Nuthin - just a little Jindal…”

The whole “Barry Soetero” horseshit was in fact a birther fraud, an attempt to “prove” that Barack Obama was not an American citizen. His name was never Barry Soetero; it has always been Barack Hussein Obama, something Obama has NEVER tried to hide, regardless of the fact that to most Americans—especially to white wingnut Republicans—it sounds “funny.” http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/birthers/studentid.asp

I’m not going to stop using Piyush when referring to Jindal any more than I was going to stop using Willard when referring to Mitt Romney.

And for that matter, given that Jindal has spent most of his political life pandering to the exact same ignorant and bigoted segment of the country that would regard his own parents as less than desirable Americans—like the racist cops in Huntsville, Alabama—he sure as hell is betraying his own culture.


Seems as if Bobby forgot how much wealth the aerospace and oil industry bring to his state in the form of sales and property taxes. Shame

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Jindal wants his name out there front and center, just like Mike Pense. It has become uncomfortable to watch this creature demean himself (and his state) to such an extent. Give it up, Jindal, “they” are never going to embrace you as one of the cool kids.

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Does this silly little man really think he has a chance to become President? He seems to get more light-weight every day with every issue he feels compelled to weigh in on.


He’s pretty bigoted for a brown person. You’d think he’d have some experience with that…

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After the Indiana fiasco, you’d think he’d know better. This is nothing more then a desperate, hail-Mary attempt for attention for a guy who’s not even in the rear echelon of Republican presidential candidates. Unfortunate, it makes him dangerous to the citizens of Louisiana.

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Dear Booby Jingle:

They still don’t (and won’t) think of you as one of them. Do you live in a universe devoid of mirrors?

Just saying…

You’re welcome,


And how’s Piyush gonna handle the back-lash should it pass and New Orleans decides it would rather not be part and parcel to such hatred and they form their own State leaving LA with Baton Rouge?

New Orleans has only hosted 9 Super Bowls and 5 Final Fours, along with probably hundreds of conventions every year. What could go wrong?


Along with Jindal and the other potential Republican nominees, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a group of politicians trying so hard to ensure they lose the Presidency by backing a law which most of the country’s citizens find horrendously odious. But, if they want to continue shooting themselves in the foot, I’m more than glad to sit back and watch, safe in the knowledge that none of these idiots will ever be in the White House.


What? I’m sure Mardi-Gras will go off exactly the same minus gays and all their supporters…