Is there going to be an anointing ceremony with holy water and oil?
I like to think that Ducey is giving himself some cover to make a not-awful choice.
Didn’t you mean bilge water?
I honestly think this is the best he can do. This is as big a “damned if you do” moment if there ever was one. Yes, this could be interpreted as “cover” for whatever choice he makes, but this also serves to make sure that whoever is appointed is essentially Cindy’s choice (or John’s), as much as it is his choice. Cindy is much more likely to approve of someone who is not a trumpet, and who gives her a strong sense of camaraderie with her late husband. She knows how her husband felt about the Dotard, and will respect those sentiments in full when she gives her approval. IOW, i feel better about giving this choice to her than leaving it all up to Ducey. I also very sincerely hope that she doesn’t prove me wrong.
I rather hope that she decides to pull a Dick Cheney move… as when he headed up the search for a possible VP candidate to run with W and… voila - after looking - I am the best candidate…
But she appears to really not want it. In that light, I agree with you assessment.
I had been under the impression that the original deal with McCain was for Cindy to serve out the term. So I wonder whether this is the beginning of a dance that will end with a wingnut that Cindy would approve if only she knew the whole story, and we shouldn’t listen to that poor distraught widow.
Interesting if this shows how vulnerable Douchey feels. Politicians who run scared make mistakes.
Gov. Ducey Wants Cindy McCain To Approve Of Her Husband’s Replacement
Maybe this will turn out to be a Dick Cheney–type situation. You know, “Pick me! Pick me!”
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, Senator Meghan McCain!
That would be great cover for him, and pretty much piss off just the right amount of people.
Are there news crews surrounding the governor’s mansion as we speak, craning their necks for the first glimpse of green smoke to arise?
This is just stupid. If you think Cindy McCain has enough insight into what is necessary to serve as a US Senator and enough insight into how a successor could serve out John’s term in a way that would respect his views (and thus those of the voters who elected him), just appoint Cindy McCain to serve out the term.
And if you don’t, don’t ask her a thing.
My understanding is she dosen’t want it
He should be bold, and appoint Ev Dirksen.
I smell a rat.
So I guess Kelli Ward is out of the question then…
Don’t rush, Cindy. Take your time.
I hope this would at least temper the decision away from the extreme possibilities (of which there are many in Arizona!). Probably a good CYA move on Ducey’s part.
Then she should not approve anything other than herself as the replacement. That would be the best middle finger yet at the Con Man. Besides, it’s historically customary to do this in most states. Let Cindy Go…to Washington.
Then someone needs to remind her of how the American flag went up and down of the White House flag pole the day John died. And remind her that only she can uphold McCain’s high standards concerning veterans. The Con Man has constantly tried to screw those that have served this country and she knows it better than most.