Actually it’s about Sheetz and a handful of other wealthy business owners being able to crush the mom and pop beer distributors just like they’ve done with the convenience store/gas station market.
It’s not enough to have the most cookies in your jar; the other guy has to have none.
CA is the last hold out in unions. God Bless 'em. PA used to fight the good fight but sold out after being battered by the likes of Tom Ridge and Corbett.
So, in short, selling off the state liquor stores will not benefit unions. Just the already rich.
If he hadn’t said “a woman…” if he had said, “for a citizen to make dinner,” he’d be absolutely right. Pennsylvania’s liquor laws are insane. Heck, all state laws that prevent somebody from picking up a bottle of wine with their groceries are insane.
Yep…if he’d used “person” instead of “woman” he’d have been spot on. He at least views wine as a food group instead of an alcoholic beverage but like so many GOTPers he’s unable to let a good opportunity to flaunt his misogyny pass him by.
I know, right? I moved to Virginia, a “purple” state, some years ago, and I was making Mediterranean chicken for dinner. (One of those ladies making dinner, I guess.) The ABC store didn’t even carry Madeira, it wasn’t on the product list, and furthermore, the staff had never heard of this basic Portuguese spirit. Meaning some uncultivated rube of a bureaucrat in our state capitol was determining what liquors would be available to consumers. When a GOP candidate was running for Guv (currently-indicted former Gov. McDonnell), my only point of agreement with him was his proposal to privatize the state’s monopoly over the liquor business. I’m not a one-issue voter, though.
PA voters better not get complacent. While I’m no big fan of Wolf, I’ll hold my nose and vote for him. Remember your ABCs PA people! Anybody But Corbett!
Show up and pull a lever or fill in a dot. Your very life and well-being may depend on it.
Keep in mind that PA has three sections - Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Alabama. If the two P’s don’t show up, the middle of the State will control the election and they are Red-staters through and through.
And before people start throwing stuff at me? I was born and raised there. I still have friends and family there. I have heard them moan about this Corbett fellow.
When I lived in Philadelphia, the closest state run liquor store was 30 minutes away and the state run beer distributor would only allow you to buy cases. Of course restaurants and bars sold take out, but at much higher prices than anyone would want to pay to get their drink on.
I was working in Gettysburg, PA for several days this summer and discovered the weirdness that is PA liquor sales. I wandered all over this wierd liquor store looking for beer with none to be found, I was perplexed. And the selections of liquor were so bland and boring. No beer & liquor sales at the same place? Now that is just…well…odd.
I live in Louisville, KY and our liquor stores are many. Party Mart giant stores with everything, local ma and pa owned stores, beer in gas stations and grocery stores, some drug stores sell beer & wine. Our liquor stores have miles of bourbon selection aisles and fine choices in all the categories.
I thought PA liquor laws were some of the strangest I’ve ever encountered and I travel a fair amount.
I’m not a big drinker but I do like the finer stuff and I had to laugh that a gal from what most of the country thinks is a backasswards state is in a liquor store in a North Eastern state and our liquor stores look like a designer showroom and PA’s look like a public restroom. Other than that, PA is a pretty state and I had a great time working there.
Yes, the liquor laws in my home state make no sense.
But does Gov. Corbett know the State Liquor Control Board has already put kiosks in several grocery stores? Or, like G.H.W. Bush, is a grocery store something he’s never set foot in?
BTW, examples like this - or New York’s law that you can only own one liquor store, or Arizona’s law that only one distributor in the state can carry a particular brand of beer - the little quirk that made John McCain’s wife’s family wealthy - are prime examples of why the whole “state governments are more responsive” argument is pure BS.
Their world-view slips out at the most “inconvenient” times, like, every time their lips are moving.
How do these morons keep getting elected?
In new orleans they had–and maybe still have–drive thru daiquiri shops. They leave the paper end on the straw so you won’t have an open container in your car.
If a woman needs two six-packs for dinner, convenience is the least of her problems. But I suppose if she’s got a couple of pre-teens at home, they could probably put away one of them.