Discussion: Gov. Brownback Blames State Legislature For Deep Tax Cuts

They’re all Republicans and the only way they can get elected is by being more draconian than their opponent. “I’ll see your open carry proposal with a mandatory to carry proposal” etc.


Conservatism never fails, it is only failed.


What a despicable cockroach Brownbag is, and Kansas deserves him!


And since the Kansas state legislature overrode Brownback’s veto of their flawed bill. Oh, wait…


Pray harder and vote Brownback 2016


Instead of cigarettes and liquor, maybe he should raise taxes on Fox News viewership, that would rake in some serious money I bet.


Complete and total lie. He proposed it. He pretended he would negotiate to get the Senate moderates to pass it to the House, then doublecrossed them. Then purged all those who opposed him in the next primary. And now he says it was not his idea? Such an upstanding, Christian, moral man. (By the way, this is probably complete and total lie #1,056 of his term.)


Other possible New Brownback Slogans:

When times are hard, remember the fetuses appreciate your sacrifice.

Give me a Republican legislature and I’ll go too far.

Conservatism can’t fail it can only be failed.

Now do you see? Even a flat tax would be better than this.


Brownback to Legislature: “Stop me before I beat myself on the back with this whip again.”


Ah, another bogus claim from the party of “personal responsibility.” He cannot own up to his own actions.


That’s not my signature on that bill.


Wasn’t this the same Brownback that blamed the media for not letting HIS plan work? It seems that Sam has all the answers until they get implemented, then it’s someone’s fault.


Typical Republican with their own brand of personal responsibility…blame it on someone else.

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Why on earth would they need pay-fors? Tax cuts increase revenue, or so we were led to believe.

Coming soon to a theater near you: Scott Walker blames the Wisconsin budget deficit on _____. (My guess is Obama, but that’s an easy one)


Uhhh…they don’t teach Civics in Kansas anymore. Too much science involved and not enough religion.

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Does he really believe that history is not documented? What: “the devil made him do it” ? http://www.kansascity.com/opinion/editorials/article6514956.html

March 21, 2012: This was the day the Brownback tax cuts died and were resurrected.

The House had already passed a tax cut bill that drained state revenue far more than the governor had proposed. It kept all of the deductions and exemptions intact, and phased out the sales tax increase as scheduled. Analysts predicted it would create a budget shortfall by July 2014.

The Senate first rejected that bill on a 20-20 vote. Brownback and his staffers twisted arms. Two hours later, the bill was brought back and passed on a 29-11 vote. Steve Morris, the GOP moderate who at the time was Senate president, said he expected that both the House and Senate would pass a different bill that called for a longer phase-in of the cuts and more offsets.

May 22, 2012: Two days after the legislative session ended without an agreement on a softer plan, Brownback signed the massive tax cuts into law. Newspaper editorials, social welfare groups and even a coalition of moderate Republicans begged him not to do it, but the governor was unmoved. “Today’s legislation will create tens of thousands of new jobs and help make Kansas the best place in America to start and grow a small business,” he said.

Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/opinion/editorials/article6514956.html#storylink=cpy


Courtesy of the Wall Street Journal June 10th:

It wasn’t the legislature that pushed for those disastrous tax cuts, Mr Brownback. Stop lying.


Here in Arizona our new governor ran on a platform of doing away with state income tax and cutting corporate taxes as well. Faced with a shortfall of over a billion dollars he’s had to … ahem … revise his “estimates” now that he is actually faced with a budget that refuses to be balanced. First crack outta the barrel he’s gutted education despite the fact that a state judge has ordered the state to repay our public schools 380 million dollars they raided two years ago and have refused to repay.
Yet still the governor, Doug Ducey, thinks tax cuts are the order of the day to increase state revenues.

Based on the tax cut results in Kansas and Arizona, it looks to me that people lose their ability to reason when they join the GOP.


Good to know the part of personal responsibility is still alive and well.


…and if you believe THAT Kansas voters

I have a cunning plan for your healthcare…