Discussion: Gorka's Role In Boston Bombing Trial More Limited Than His Bio Suggests

Liberals are re-writing Alt-History.


I thought Gorka was the dog that led police to the bomber hiding in the boat?


In medical slang a patient who is “gorked” is completely “out of it” and incoherent. Coincidence? I think not!


If your résumé isn’t larded with hyperbole, outright lies and other peoples’ work, you’re not much of a Rethugliklan.


It doesn’t matter. His saving of the lives of 53 children during the Bowling Green Massacre more than makes up for this error.


I thought Gorka was a park in Moscow (maybe a dog park?) where the bomber was hiding.

I can’t believe you failed to mention he adopted 11 of those newly orphaned waifs and enrolled them in a private DeVos-approved charter school.


At least he fought shoulder-to-shoulder with Trump in the Great War of Sex and Venereal Disease instead of that pussy kerfuffle Vietnam War that John McCain always gets so much credit for. And Trump and Gorka weren’t even captured by the enemy. True patriots they!


I thought Gorka was the dog that the Russians shot into space before the cosmonauts went into orbit.


It looks like they are all living in that giant candy-apple head of his.

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I know. If I lied like that on a job application, they would not only refuse to hire me, they would throw me out of the fucking window.


I’m aN expErt on aLL thing LibTard. Like how. They Do sEx orgY preGnancY rituAls to abOrt preBorns anD how They haTe white and How theY want pic so BaD theY want to changE the name of maNhole to personhole


He looks suspiciously like Ivan Gorky, the old time wrestler.


“…nothing he gave us was ever used”. This would be SOP in a sane administration.


I hate to be fair to this guy, since dog knows he doesn’t deserve it, but it is standard practice for expert witnesses to list in their c.v.s engagements in which they never testified at trial. Most cases settle before trial, so it is not unusual for experts to be hired and not testify at trial, or even in deposition. Also, experts are often not used at trial for any number of tactical reasons, but they are still considered “experts” in the case.

So, if he was hired and paid for providing expert information, including a report that never got used, he was an “expert witness.” Probably not a very good one, but still, not resumé padding. (It would be different if he presented his report or was offered as an expert in court and the judge rejected his qualifications, under what is called the Daubert standard, but that doesn’t appear to have happened here.)

Daubert is about whether a scientific test relevant to an issue in a case can be allowed as evidence. I.e, Lie Detectors, i.e., spectography.

I dont think this guy can claim to be an expert on terrorism such that he would be subjected to Daubert, nor do I consider him any kind of scientific or technical expert.

Purported experts on Drug Trafficking or Human Trafficking or issues pertinent to the activities of criminal organizations, are not subjected to Daubert. They are sworn in, recite their experience and qualifications and then the parties either stipulate that he/she is an expert in the field or the Judge rules where she/he is to be considered and expert by the Jury.

Gorka is really just a propagandist for a particular view on geopolitical issues. I have no information on when someone is allowed to claim he was an expert witness on a trial in which he did not testify, but Gorka, per the article, claims that he was used as an expert or consultant by the prosecutor for a period of 11 months, which was absolutely contradicted by the prosecution, who said they did not use him at all after reading his submitted written material.

Another lying, piece of shit. He’s perfect for Trump and Co…

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Isn’t Gorka a type of whale?

It says he submitted a report. I don’t see anywhere that he was hired by the state to produce a report or that his opinion was solicited. Anyone who can afford the postage can “submit” a report.

Apropos exaggerations: Financial Times, London (UK Edtiion Feb 11-12, 2017) is still covering Theodore Roosevelt Malloch, the Trump candidate for US Ambassador to the EU.

He accuses said paper of “being involved in a political assasination”.

Apparently he was never, as he claims in his CV, a fellow at two Oxford University Colleges (Wolfson and Pembroke), although he claims “he has the receipts, to prove he worked there” . Both colleges denies he had a fellowship.

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