Discussion: Gorka Spars With Cooper Over Coverage Of Don Jr. Emails: 'It's Just Fake News'

In my experience there are many, many people in the news business who aren’t willing to deviate from long-accepted practice, no matter how much the world changes. In their minds you pretty much have to have someone respond to an accusation. And there aren’t that many people to respond these days, and none are credible, but still they’ll take any scullery maid or stable boy the White House is willing to send and put 'em on the air. The smarter talkers like Cooper get it, and you can see them giving up, acknowledging the exercise is futile. And yet it goes on because it’s how they do.


There is something wrong with the immigration system when Arrow Cross types like this fascist slob are allowed in.


Cooper: Question about Russia-Gate
Gorka: Argle-Bargle, Fake-News, Trump is GOD, You suck! Nya, Nya, Na, Na, Na.

If you look in the Dictionary under the term “Lying Sack-of-Shit-Butt-Monkey” they have Gorka’s picture.

I love this one: “The President is a steam locomotive that will not be stopped."

That make PERFECT SENSE since Steam Locomotives run on COAL and NOBODY USES THEM ANYMORE (they were completely replaced by Diesel-Electrics in the late 1940s) except in nostalgia rides.


Gorka’s the kind of wacko who probably has somebody trussed up in his basement right now…and we all know what happened to Zeb…


CNN doesn’t get to request who comes on their show from the WH. They make a request for a spox, and they get whoever the WH wants to trot out.

The WH is really down to the bottom of the barrel right now. Basically, they have Gorka on the payroll, but quite literally doing nothing at all. So they gave him a job to do. We, the tax payers, basically paid $150K for that one interview.


“The President is a steam locomotive that will not be stopped. "

Did he say, TRAINS!?


Inbreeding depression, in any case.



Let’s not forget Illinois Nazis.


Gorka says: “It’s just fake news.”.
Trump Jr himself posts his own emails and it’s “fake news”?
I would say that Gorka is demented. That level of denial is worthy of some serious therapy.
Knowledgeable lawyers with no axe to grind have said those emails show collusion. GOP members of Congress are seriously nervous over what DJT jr has done. I would remind Gorka that the media don’t dictate the agenda of Congress or the Orange Terror. They do and it looks like to me from the outside that the Executive Branch is paralyzed which in some ways isn’t a bad thing.


Or they grow a spine
Even Mourning Joe told noted lie generator and diverter in Chief Kelly Ann Conjob to take a hike.
There is no place for "Fair and Balanced " when one of the contributors is not reality based

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Now that’s better! Ralph must be distracted. Those things were really popular until the boilers started blowing up and killing people.

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I wonder if, when trump resigns or is forced out of office by impeachment, Gorka will say it’s all fake news.


Why should I give a flying fuck what that wanna be storm trooper has to say?

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Ill see that and raise you


It’s the kind of thing where you wish Cooper would just turn Gorka’s mic off and make flapping movements with his hands.

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Or just repeat what he says and drive him crazy.


Michael Isikoff broke it down beginning with Moscow. Talker on Cooper’s show is not a player, just a mouth.

@antisachetdethe It’s easy to follow this tidy trail, and oddly there’s no indication Hillary Clinton was in on any of these meetups.


Call your hand…


The White House must be facing a revolt of the spokespeople. As bad as Conway, Sanders, Spicer are, this guy and his elitist supercilious vicious fascist trolling-- like a 2-pound mosquito-- can’t possibly attract any supporters. Trump’s own base must look at him and think he’s kind of like Boris of Boris-and-Natasha.