Discussion: GOP's Letter To Iran Backfires

Discussion for article #234142

Cotton is a KochDroid

The ManKochian Candidate

Unadulterated by Ethics

Would rather climb a tree to tell a lie
Than stand on the ground to tell the truth.


Define backfiring. If you understand the modern GOP as a wrecking crew, a demon vehicle out of a Stephen King novel - Christine, I believe - with an intent to murder and destroy everything in its path, except to transfer wealth upward, then no. This stunt fits right into their wheelhouse. And there will be no blowback from voters, if they are up for reelection in a midterm anyway.


The Iranians dont understand the Constitution…thats why they had to correct the Cotton Cronies on their mistakes. They are traitors, undermining the Commander in Chief. I wonder what would have happened if Cotton head disobeyed orders in the field…he’d be put in the brig, thats what


check back by the end of the day… that ohso librul outlet msnbc is already spouting ‘democrats did it too’ talking points provided by the gop. i’ve not heard one reference to conservative professor jack goldsmith’s determination that this letter was way out of bounds – and wrong on the role the senate plays. wonder why.

just like what happened with vaccinations, when the overwhelming majority of the country supported them, after treatment by the magpies, that support had actually dropped.


I’m rather surprised that McConnell signed this thing. He’s a self serving evil bastard for sure but he’s far from stupid. Has to be the dumbest thing he’s ever done in his senate career. I can hardly imagine a man who has been in the Senate since Cotton was in diapers would sign onto to such a fool hardy letter. I swear I think the man has dementia coming on.


Pretty funny that Republican Senators are getting skooled on the Constitution by an Iranian leader. Winning!


It’s time to file criminal charges…47 charges to be exact. These folks want to do NOTHING for the American People…which is their elected job, but they sure do hate that Black Man in the White House, and in 2016 (if not before) they’re going to learn just how much we hate them.


“Seriously backfiring”? Yeah right. There won’t be any real consequences for these people. The media portrays these things as nothing more than routine politics. “Republicans do this, Democrats respond in kind.” It’s the old false-equivalence ruse. Just as there are, apparently, two legitimate and opposing arguments to climate change, and two legitimate and opposing arguments to evolution.

They’re already doing it. “Republicans Anger White House, White House Responds.”

“Republicans did this ‘routine’ thing, Joe Biden’s ‘blistering’ rebuke.”

Gets to be nothing more than he said, she said.

The senate probably could have censured them, but…the leader of the senate signed on to their cockamamie scheme!


We must all repeat “The 47 Traitors” theme, often and loudly. It’s a 'bumper sticker" phrase that will stick and leave a mark on those anti-American Senators.

With apologies to Stephen Stills and *“49 Bye Byes”

"47 Senators, all in a line
all of them traitors,
all, all of them liars.

Time will tell us, who is trying to sell us.*


I think this is going into my scrapbook:

“Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif wasn’t moved by the letter … pointing out technical errors in their description of how the U.S. Constitution works.”


I am sure that the #47traitors are taking comfort that they at least have Fox on their side. Undoubtedly, Roger is lining up a collection of suitable lies that the network can spout in an orchestrated chorus in a quest to drive up ratings.


The Iranians see right thru this. The letter is a dogwhistle to the FauxNews/Koch/Tea crowd.


No, he’s not a fool. What you’re seeing is the creeping Tea Party-ization of the Senate. McConnell is being Boehnerized, more afraid of his own caucus than any other political force on earth.


Considering he is supposedly the one who puts Mach in machiavellian you have to wonder. Is it another case of felony stupid on Mr. walking corpses part, or has he slid into senile dementia, my vote is dementia.


Here is further evidence, if we need it, that the Republican party is filled with spiteful, petulant toddlers. And un-American spiteful, petulant toddlers at that.


Unless I’m missing something, it appears that these 47 Republican Senators are conspiring with a foreign government against a sitting U.S. President.

Why haven’t they been arrested?


File charges against the 47 U.S. Senators in violation of The Logan Act in attempting to undermine a nuclear agreement.


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  • TomCotton

Republicans are shocked anybody would question their patriotism. Having failed at sabotaging President Obama twice, first with Netanyahu and now, deserve to be mocked and scorned for their blatant attempt, to quote Zarid, "that has no legal value and is mostly a propaganda ploy."


I was thinking the same thing. What would that be called? “Lawsplaining?” “Amerispanking?”