Collins should stay in the ballot, for no reason other than denying the seat to a Republican. Years ago I wouldn’t have said this, and advocated fairness. I just don’t care anymore. The GOP needs to lose badly.
Yep New Rule
Do unto Republicans as they would do unto you!!!
GOP’s Attempt To Remove Chris Collins From Ballot Will Likely End In Court
Rs will have to eat this one. Bon Appetit!
Trump just revoked John Brennan security clearance
If he tries to move out of the district, we can hope he gets snowed in on moving day!
Where did you see that? I see no reference to this anywhere just now.
OMG - Not only is Brennan’s clearance removed, but they listed Sally Yates, Clapper, Comey and others as being next to suffer the same penalty. This feels more than ominous to me. If we don’t shut down this administration soon, we are doomed.
OK–Now I see where that is coming from. Ominous–And entirely predictable.
Gotta love it!
Popcorn anyone?
If he moves out of state, including giving up his residence, getting a new driver’s license, etc., he will be off the ballot, and there is nothing the Democrats can do about it. (However, that might not go well with the judge in the criminal case.) Nomination for another office might be challenged.
One might think that vetting candidates is something that ought to be done, maybe?
I’m a chronic critic of my NY Dems. But one thing they’re good at is being litigious underhanded assholes. We can rely on them to make life technically difficult for Rs to hang on to this R+24 seat.
“Republicans are reportedly mulling their options: either having Collins withdraw his name to run for a more minor elected office, or having him move out of state.”
Where’s the Federal Penitentiary located?
His actions are a good deal more serious than “insider training” (TYPO ALERT)
He has houses in Va. and Florida.
It will probably be against his conditions of bail release, moving out of state. “Judge I need to violate my conditions of bail in order to allow the GOP to get Carl Paladino on the ballot instead of me…”
As opposed to the National Republican Party? As opposed to the NY Republican Party? Underhanded Assholes is what the Dixiecrat GOP has been since the early 80s, and treasonous, too.
The law is the law, except when it disadvantages the GOP and then we can ignore it.