Hmm who else has had their Harvard bonafides pooh-poohed? I guess you’re never fully anti-elite nor establishment until you get a degree from Harvard.
Wrong! Mr. Kushner has extensive experience with one branch of the government – the DOJ, which prosecuted his crooked father and sent him to prison. Surely that counts for something?
Scaramucci said he’d rely on assistant from all of the five families.
Where’s Aaron Burr when you need him?
Reporter: What do you think of Bannon as chief strategist?
McConnell: [blank stare]
Reporter: What do you think of Kushner getting a paid position?
McConnell: [blank stare]
Reporter: What do you think of-
McConnell: (internally) Four years of this shit. Uh oh, think I just blinked.
Jan 20th for sure. I hope to be marching in my shit-kickers on the 21st.
I did some googling around, found that the Prez’s ability to access and declassify material is practically unlimited (except for some nuclear stuff, which is subject to statute) but nothing explicit on the Prez’s ability to grant a security clearance, at least in the limited time I have to play with this.
So, your doubts may be right, but I don’t think Prez Trump would have any compunctions about issuing a blanket declassification of any material that he wants presented to, or in front of, Kushner.
From the Esquire article:
Jared attended the Orthodox Frisch School, in Paramus, New Jersey. By some accounts, he worked hard in school, but he was not especially academic. In The Price of Admission, Daniel Golden notes that officials at Frisch were “dismayed” when Jared was accepted to Harvard, since, as one former school official put it, “his GPA did not warrant it, his SAT scores did not warrant it.” Other students in Jared’s class, the official said, were far more deserving. But Jared had a weapon that his classmates did not: his father. According to Golden, Charles donated $2.5 million to Harvard the year his son applied. Just to be safe, he also donated to Cornell and Princeton.
Who, not even a legacy like W? His dad pimped him into school. Wow.
It can’t be a totalitarian dynasty until the heir apparent is put in place.
Uday and Qusay can’t be happy that he’s going with Kim Jared instead. Palace intrigue awaits. I wonder if the media will survive long enough to cover it.
Trump isn’t even in the White House yet and I’m sick and tired of the whole fuckin’ family. God help us.
“Mr. Kushner? Good afternoon, Sir, I’m the Safety School Development Officer here at Cornell, and I’m returning your call about our program…”
Welcome to the United States of Trump, Inc
All because the President-elect doesn’t have the courage, ethics, or good sense to let more appropriate candidates into his sad orbit.
And no one in his party has the stones to call him out for it.
yeah… the basic problem is that if a person isn’t properly vetted and someone is just ‘given’ clearance based on ‘gut instinct’ would be when/if things go south that person is on the hook… Cheeto Donnie is talking about making Kushner his Presidential Briefing meetings where classified information is discussed about many things on a daily basis…
I’d take the paranoid view… what if they’re speaking about Russia or things that would be of interest to Russia and the family decides it impacts their business and acts?
while, maybe, the President can ‘read in’ a person on a particular operation on time is short situation he can.t just give someone blanket clearance for everything…
zero qualifications - the Alexander Hamilton reference made me want to curl up and suck my thumb
Trump to Bannon: we gotta do something for Ivanka’s guy, what’s his name, Jeward, Gerrard?..
Bannon: Jared
Trump: he’s really, really smart - what have we got in accounting?
Bannon: There aren’t really any “accounting” positions…why not make him an adviser and he can report to me?
Trump: yeah, yeah, whatever you think, Steve - make sure it has a fat paycheck and a great office assigned to it. He’s a tremendous kid, just really amazing, he is a whiz on that iPad - and taste? - well, he married my daughter, didn’t he? [raises his eyebrows in a leering fashion at Bannon]
Bannon: Yeah, we’ll find something for him. Look, you have had a long day - why don’t you go grab a steak and I will fill in the rest of the blanks here in the administration chart.
Trump: Thanks, Steve, you’re the greatest.
Bannon: No, Mr. Trump - you’re the greatest. The greatest ever!
Trump: I really am, Steve - see you later [exits]
Bannon flails wildly at the bottom drawer of his desk and pulls out a bottle of Wild Turkey and takes a huge, noisy gulp. “What an idiot” he says sadly. Then he smiles as he grabs the organization chart and begins writing furiously.
I see Jared as like the Alexander Hamilton of the new administration. I’m not saying he’s going in or not going in, but this is a 35-year-old guy," Scaramucci said Thursday. “Remember how young Alexander Hamilton was when he was advising George Washington.”
I didn’t know that Kushner is a war hero.
Who knew
At least Ciano actually volunteered to fight, he and served in a war, the Italy-Ethiopia war. Interestingly, his father-in-law Mussolini executed him by firing squad for treason in '44.
I didn’t know that Hamilton was really a ‘tenther’. #Thingsthatilearnfrombroadway