Discussion: GOPer Wonders If Gillibrand Shielding Harassers Because They're Dems

This Frank Enstein guy is supposed to be one of the smartest conservatives around. He’s smarter than George Bush and Sarah Palin combined. He can apparently string conservative words together into short phrases.

Mighty low bar there.

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I agree.

Andrea Mitchell is a different story for me. If she’s been accosted by politicians while she was working as a reporter I think she should tell.


Were they doing this after she was married to Greenspan?

If not, some are still serving, I guess.

yes, because we all know that the real sexists are those women-hating democrats.
mr. hairpiece is quite the putz. . .


Frank Luntz??? Shouldn’t he be out hustling buzz phrases like,
"makers and takers’,‘job creators’, Cadillac Insurance Plan’ and hooey like that?. Frank F’n Luntz. LLLOOOOSER.

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Frank Luntz INVENTED the conservative buzzwords!


Yes, these men with political motives or just being self-serving should be the arbiters of this issue – whether the Senator is telling the truth (how in the world would he/they know?) and what her next move should be!

Obviously a woman Senator can’t be capable of exercising good or appropriate judgment here. The men will figure this out and get back to us!

Obtuse? You be the judge.


I have little doubt that this is a “bipartisan thing”.

Powerful white guys tend to think they can do whatever the fuck they want to. The letter “D” or “R” isn’t going to get in the way of their power trip. I suspect she’s not naming names because the Good Old Boys club would do everything they could to wreck her career - what party they are from is secondary.

Oh…and Frank Luntz is an ass.


Isn’t Frank Luntz the republican pollster who is often referred to as “porky,” “fat” and “chubby”?

This challenge might bite the Republicans in their gnarly old white asses.

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I’m sure they are all male.

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His brain, hence his stupid comments.

As a corollary to the above, I am also sure it is not one of my Senators (I am from the Evergreen state).

Oh God he’s back.

It’s not Carl Levin either.

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What point for her to name anyone? Any man she named would just say “Nu-UH!”

Frank Luntz, lift your chin. No, no, both of them, both of them!!

Is there anyway to demonstrate more emphatically what women are up against than for these guys to open their mouths?

As a caveat, I know there are many men out there who are not slimy, creepy and totally unaware, but there seems to be an inordinate percentage in the GOP and that one at Politico “who doesn’t believe her”.

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“I know you are but what am I?” That’s about all you need to know to predict the retail reactions from the GOP.

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