Maybe if you dropped the cognitive dissonance of the President’s so-called “lawlessness,” your brains would work better.
Yes! By the way, did that conservative Texas judge rule that what he did was unconstitutional or only that it unfairly impacted a single state, Texas, which would have had to pay out more for printing drivers’ licenses?
Its a little late to be crying about phony conservatives after the whole Party just spent millions upon millions running phony campaigns knowing damn good and well that they were deceiving the public in order to elect phony conservatives.
A Phony Conservative is a real Conservative, these days, they are the norm not the exception.
*** "While conservative leaders are trying to move the ball up the field, these other Members sit in exotic places like basements of Mexican restaurants***
Ted Cruz, House Republicans Meet in Secret at Tortilla Coast
Why Occupy did not jump on this is one of the great mysteries. They had to know about FOX and Talk Radio. Just turn on the TV or radio and watch/listen. They knew that the missives coming from the Right bent on delaying, obstructing and/or watering-down Mr. Obama’s initiatives were shown on FOX and heard on Talk Radio.
Finally, they also had to know that the Blind Eye to all of this was observed by the MSM.
In all fairness, in the climate of 2011, with no Military Draft to sharpen the senses of the young people who participated, OWS worked some magic in the arenas it touched. 99% will be forever etched in the public mind
(up there with “Myth” Romney’s 47%)
It beats the Alamo, at least since Ozzie took a whiz on it.
Shouldn’t we be asking him to name some names? Also, I do love Mexican food.
He may have been referring to the Capitol Hill restaurant, Tortilla Coast:
Do they honestly act like they’re trying to be “constructive”?
DEstructive is more like it…
Occupy had a rough go. They were roughing it outdoors with the cops and forces that be working and conspiring against them. That’s hard to sustain and compared to their foe, the 1%, that were living in the lap of luxury, they were severely disadvantaged.
They were likely aware of the issue of right wing hate speech but they had their priorities and even with that single-minded focus, they could do more than raise awareness.
MarttinPA, "…There. I said that without using any bad language.
Thank you but my fainting couch is occupied and I have a dehumidifier so my vapors are controlled, please feel free to speak freely, LittleGirl will be able to avert her eyes as soon as an “un southern” word is used
Did anybody bring popcorn?
More like fourth grade.
The Democrats, unfortunately absolutely suck at messaging and pushing back.
The wall of goose-steppers is crumbling…Peter King has blasted the little cretins too!
After the GOP caused the September 2008 worldwide banking collapse and created the country’s largest deficit, by definition all conservatives are phony. They can’t be depended on to provide this nation’s security more than one week at a time? That’s admitting defeat to ISIS.
Is it wrong to hoard popcorn?
“While conservative leaders are trying to move the ball up the field, these other Members sit in exotic places like basements of Mexican restaurants and upper levels of House office buildings, seemingly unaware that they can’t advance conservatism by playing fantasy football with their voting cards.”
WTF? Basements of Mexican restaurants are exotic? And how the heck do you play fantasy football with a voting card?
Is this some sort of stream of consciousness rant?
My guess is that the cads playing fantasy football with their voting cards were demanding that Boehner perform the anatomically impossible.
Sounds like he’s ready to throw in the towel. This must be like it was watching the Whig Party implode. After this stunt, Republicans will never control the White House ever again. They can’t be trusted with national security.
Republicans let the Dixiecrats in and they are living up to their reputation of being rebels without any brains or interest in being responsible. A pox on them and the Koch-funded TeaParty horse they have ridden into the ground. Voters need to sent them all to the glue factory.