Discussion: GOPer Slams 'Phony Conservatives' Who Tried To Defund DHS

Discussion for article #233794

I prefer to be in the arena voting than trying to placate a small group of phony conservative Members who have no credible policy proposals

Loving the uncivil war that is brewing!


Yo Devin, if you really and truly want to be constructive, try to stop saying “lawlessness” in reference to the President and say things like Obama’s “doing of things that are perfectly legal and within his powers but that I would prefer he not do.” Or something. Because it’s using hysterical rhetoric like “lawlessness” that got us into this situation.

There. I said that without using any bad language.


“While conservative leaders are trying to move the ball up the field, these other Members sit in exotic places like basements of Mexican restaurants and upper levels of House office buildings, seemingly unaware that they can’t advance conservatism by playing fantasy football with their voting cards.”

What the hell would they be doing in basements of Mexican restaurants? I thought that is where all those disgusting illegals hide out.

phony conservative Members who have no credible policy proposals and no political strategy to stop Obama's lawlessness

“Lawless” is the new “uppity”.

But it is comforting to observe the factionalism among the Republicans who we are used to seeing goose-stepping in unison. That’s what being a majority will do to you: Absolute power corrupts absolutely.


If you’re the “good cop”, bro’, it ain’t workin’.


“I prefer to be in the arena; lawlessness; trying to move the ball up the field; playing fantasy football with their voting cards.”

Memo to Nunes: In the future, avoid all those cliches like the plague.


Lawlessness is also the new “imperial presidency.”




Well good for him for calling out those poser conservatives who have no credible proposals to stop “Obama’s lawlessness” as opposed to the “real conservatives” who apparently have real plans to stop “Obama’s lawlessness.” I guess I never realized how much the House of Representatives is like High School.


My freude is schadning.


The great sorting of those whose seats are in danger in 2016 and those whose seats are not has begun.


Hell, anyone can be a fake conservative these days! Even the nutjobs who disagree with you.

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The fault lines in the GOP are becoming more and more obvious. One good strike and that lump of coal will shatter into splinters.


And this should call for a concerted effort on our part (a) in terms of turnout (for those seats most vulnerable) (b) for forced-Bagger-stupidity to GET more seats vulnerable © better messaging overall.

" “I hate it that our conference has so many issues, so many factions
among itself, that we can’t get our team together and all be singing off
the same sheet of music.”

Many,many of us here at TPM have been conveying this message in so many different ways,Congressman.Next time log in here at TPM and save yourself some heartburn.This way you will know what you are dealing with.OUCH!


The Republicans’ new theme song: “I Fought the Lawless and the Lawless Won”


“I prefer to be in the arena voting than trying to placate a small group of phony conservative Members who have no credible policy proposals and no political strategy to stop Obama’s lawlessness,” Nunes told National Journal

I’m so god damn sick of these “phony conservatives”, like Nunes, who are always able to get away with this utter bullshit of “Obama’s lawlessness”! Where are the Democrat politicians to point out this BS GOP/Tea talking point? The more they say this and go unchallenged, the more people believe it. Where’s the push back?


The GOP is suddenly looking to 2016 and the handwriting on the wall is NOT good for the same Tea Partiers who gave them their big majority in Congress are a serious liability for national/presidential/multiple Senate Seats up election. They are backpedalling like mad …


“This has got to have an affect [sic] on him, personally, just psychologically. To have to go to the mat on these issues.”

No one said destroying a country was going to be easy, Johnny. Chin up.