Discussion: GOPer Regrets Phrasing Of 'Divide And Conquer' Line But Not Point Behind It

The medical term for “Benghazi!!!11” is Conservative Tourette Syndrome (CTS).


Kay Hagan just needs to let this fool Tillis talk and destroy himself.


Since we are going off topic:
When glass breaks, the cracks move faster than 3,000 miles per hour. To photograph the event, a camera must shoot at a millionth of a second!

I hope someone finds my post more useful than the morefoolishness guy.


He’s just an avid consumer of right wing media.

The resident child speaks.

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Surely Tillis knows that many of the life choices he himself has undoubtedly had to make are less than perfect because the choice was between something that’s not-so-good versus something that’s even worse. A little humility and understanding might be nice when passing judgment on other people’s lives. But silly me, humility and understanding is considered a weakness by many of those “tough guys (and gals)” in the GOP.


“…people who are poor by their own fault.”

wonder exactly how he defines this -
he seems to make throw away comments & then is unable to explain them … would guess he has said this thinking it sounds good - but really - in his head he believes that every person (unless dramatically physically debilitated) can leap up and turn into a Horatio Alger story - and therefore, if you are poor - IT IS you own fault.

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This is in my backyard. Tillis has led the most destructive legislature in NC history - harming pretty much everyone but the rich. In his path of destruction are thousands of teachers demoralized by insane compensation programs, and low income people picking up the tab for insane tax cuts for the wealthy in the form of new sales taxes on things like museum tickets. Add the country’s worst Voter ID laws and you’ve got quite a record. Kay Hagan needs your help.


“…race for Sen. Kay Hagan’s” what?

I guess it’s Back To The Future II where we once again have Ronald Reagan’s welfare queens driving up to the liquor store to buy vodka with their food stamps.


Kinda hard to accomplish what he’s talking about since the people who genuinely need public assistance as he put it don’t really vote.

But the rich do need government’s help; without it, the rich can’t help themselves…enough.

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You wanna stop people from abusing the system start with the Cliven Bundy’s of the world ya doosh.



Right you are. Senator Hagan needs assistance and, in November, votes. Any help that can be offered to the NAACP and William Barber will also be greatly appreciated. There has been a pushback to the Gov. McCrory (ALEC) agenda and the Bag of Thugs Republican State Legislature, and, from what I hear from folks living in NC, the protests (particularly Moral Mondays) have been well attended. Some months ago, I heard that one of the NC protests had tens of thousands of people–more than enough for FOX and the MSM to ignore.

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He only regrets being caught on video ststing what has been the GOP strategy all along; pity the poor against one another. let one group feel they are better than the other. Let the working class turn against one another. Hagan is right to use this against him

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The word fool seems to be correct. Lets just call him that.

If Hagen uses this video right, then Tillis is toast. And it couldn’t happen to a more deserving a$$hole.

Translation: I’m sorry you heard what I said, but I meant what I said. Does that clear the comment up for ya!’

So , as a group that is obviously divided and slowly being conquered (through common sense and supporter attrition) these folks are experts in the tactic huh?