Discussion for article #235185
Republicans eating their own. No cash required.
So: Bill O’Brien is more of a sensitive Feminist than Kelly Ayotte. LOL.
They really know how to hold a grudge.
Not a fan of Kelly, but Bill O’Brien is the biggest asshole in the NH State legislature, not to mention the most vindictive and cold hearted son-of-a-bitch to ever hold elective office.
It’s interesting that David Vitter never encountered this level of vituperation from his GOPer colleagues, at least that I can recall.
I dunno, he’s got some pretty stiff competition from a former Vice-President being kept alive by a dead man’s heart.
I keep hoping that the heart has some residue of the former owner’s identity, and that it suddenly realizes to its horror what kind of evil monstrosity it’s keeping alive, and immediately stops beating to halt the travesty.
Hmm valid point.
“The nerve of these broads, taking jobs away from white men!”
Self-righteous asshole doubling down. Just count the days until this bastard gets busted for his own moral shortcomings.
Anytime I read about a GOP politician involved in prostitution, the word “redundant” springs unbidden to mind.
Boy, it really pies off some asshes when partners in crime get caught.
chew spit burp, create as much distance as possible before ye just might be found out.
The enemy of my enemy is, well, in this case also my enemy, but that doesn’t mean i can’t root for injuries on both sides.