It’s curious that Rep. Charles Boustany hasn’t threatened a lawsuit. Perhaps there is a reason?
I love it when the sharks start eating their own. Stay classy, sir! By the way, when did you stop beating your wife?
GOP and Ladies of the night
There’s a thin line between Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (Jimmy Buffett)
Especially for the GOP bible-thumpers.
So instead of one icky republican they’re going to elect a different icky republican
There isn’t much I like about Republicans, but one of the things I like best is the fact that they’ll act like Republicans even to other Republicans.
And one of the other things I find most hilarious is when a Republican acts completely shocked at how another Republican treats him or her with the same devious contempt and underhanded deceptiveness with which Republicans treat everyone else.
Both are public figures. Very difficult and expensive to make that fly.
New Yorkers in an upstate district near Rochester have elected a deceased man to the state Assembly. Republican Bill Nojay shot and killed himself Friday on his family’s Rochester cemetery plot as police officers rushed to the scene.
“You’d think there would be more integrity and responsibility
and accountability here.”
You’d think the party of demonize-the-opposition had thicker skin.