Discussion: GOPer Embraces The Pill After Retreating On Personhood Position

Doctors do want it to be OTC - http://ocsotc.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/AMAresolution5071.pdf
It’s available without a prescription in many countries.

Shame on any woman that falls for this jerks lies!

He is a “women are zygotes, hosts” kind of guy!

Remember him pushing the “personhood” law? That’s what he WILL do, if elected to the senate!

And never forget it!


But he is LYING!

We all know it!

He was the biggest backer and pusher of the “personhood” law…now all of a sudden, he’s PRO birth control?

I’m not buying it for a second…make that a nano-second!


True. But in those countries one month’s supply doesn’t cost $50.00 for A-class quality pill.

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Just getting to this shameless, cynical flip-flop that represents no less than complete disrepect to women and an insult to their intelligence.
So now Mr. Personhood wants birth control available over the counter? Doesn’t he know that these are powerful medications, and that many women cannot use certain versions? That is why there are so many versions available. So rather than “putting bureaucrats between a woman and her health,” he is cynically portraying this as empowering woman with an empty promise that even he knows will never go anywhere, while at the same time trying to outflank health reform from the left – that’s some pretty good rat-fucking.
Women: reject Obamacare and the availability for preventive care – including contraceptives – without extra co-pay: be your own doctor!