Discussion: GOP Went Fishing For Bad Obamacare News And Got Absolutely Nothing

Discussion for article #222293

Huh. The GOP cherry-picked data to suit their political agenda?
I guess the sun is still hot.


And none of it matters, because the GOTP will say the WH “cooked the numbers! That’s right! They cooked the numbers of OUR OWN SURVEY! It’s NOT US! It’s THEM!!!” The GOTP went on to say, “BENGHAZI!!!”


pfffft… the media magpies have zero interest in aca; esp now that it appears to be working… it’s all about BENGHAZIBENGHAZIBENGHAZI…


And the Insane Asylum that calls itself Fox News will take this cherry picked report as gospel and sell it to the brainwashed fools that watch it.


"In a cosmic twist of the knife, the Obama administration released its own information on Thursday, the day after the House GOP’s release. Administration officials warned that the new data wasn’t perfect and could be ‘unreliable…’ "

Oh oh – Another Benghazi scenario for that prickish car thief Issa. “But you didn’t call Obamacare an act of terrorism!!”


What’s most entertaining is when they simultaneously try to repeal the ACA without a replacement prepared, while disparaging the law for not helping enough people.

So, to them, nobody helped is better than 8 million helped.


For the life of me, I just can’t figure out why these folks fight so hard to deny folks the chance to buy health insurance. Oh yea, it can only be about the money. The south is the worst. They have the lowest number of folks with insurance. Their states (for the most part) did not take the Medicaid expansion money. Their theory is what will happen when the expansion money ends? Well folks, I’m hoping then we will be moving to Medicare for all.


A recent Washington Post-ABC News poll reported that 37 percent approve of how Obama is handling the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. But, it gets better, only 29 percent surveyed said that their care is getting worse under the Affordable Care Act. But, 14 percent said coverage is better, while 53 percent said it has remained the same.

But, the good news doesn’t stop there, 47 percent responded their health costs were rising under Obamacare, compared with only 8 percent saying that their expenses were declining.

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And Tammy Faye Boehner …weeps!


Anyone expecting intellectual honesty from the GOP hasn’t been paying attention…


Given the political realities of 2009, there is a lot of suck in the Obamacare law - unfortunately for the GOP given just how abysmal our system was before ACA it’s impossible for them to anything to legit to gripe about.

We’ve gone from living under shit mountain to living on top of it. You can’t tell people things were better down under and expect them to believe it.


soon to come in YOUR neighborhood…

billboards promising $$$ for ACA horror stories…

aka koch and co


If it’s true that about 8 millions have signed up for Obamacare, it’s also true that about 6 millions have been bumped out of health insurance by Obamacare, so the new not previously insured signups should be in the 2 millions ballpark. Now, if it’s also true that only 67% have paid their premium it remains to be seen who went fishing and came up empty.

Yes, and we all know you are so sincerely concerned…Lol!


You mean the people who lost insurance plans due to inadequate coverage but were rolled over into new plans.


Is Bo(h)ner going to cry again? BOO-FRICKETY-HOO!

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Exploding cigar, anyone?

Sorry, I don’t see your point.

Sorry, I can’t follow your logic, assuming there is any there.

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