Discussion: GOP State Rep. Flashed His Gun In Dem's Office, Where Weapons Are Banned

A regurgitated agenda, being necessary to the immaturity of the ingrate, the right of the GOP to keep fear and alarm, shall not be unhinged.


Of course they’re not afraid of their constituents. Their constituents are overwhelmingly, you know … white.

They’re afraid of those other folks. So afraid that they’ll shoot and kill unarmed kids.


“I was shocked I would have a colleague in this Capitol intentionally demonstrate behavior that is just unacceptable — should be unacceptable — to anyone in this Capitol,” she [Rep. Shelia Stubbs (D)] said.

Of course, GOPers are experts on doing things that are unacceptable.

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Apparently, they feel the need to protect themselves against their Democratic colleagues in the legislature?

Or they are like those gun nuts who like to open carry AR-15s in Walmart.


They’re compensating.


That’s nice. Next time wand him and if it goes off tell him to leave. If he doesn’t, call the cops: armed man attempting to force his way into the office.


Basically indecent exposure, waving around his prosthetic penis…


It a way they can demonstrate their white privilege…

They can walk around that way without Cops shooting them. Makes their tiny pricks tingle.

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Should have pepper-sprayed his ass.


Yeah, my understanding of the concealed carry code is that this incident would be considered as “brandishing” a weapon in most cases. It was a dick move by a dick. I, too, would be outraged at such conduct in my office. In fact, I’d call the police.


Trump’s language of incitement and bravado stunts inspire others to do the same.

Wants everybody to think his manhood is as big as his gun, when it’s more comparable to the bullet.

To be clear to everyone, you do mean minus the casing.

And after impacting a block of steel.

From a .22 pistol.

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So how do you go about reporting it?

Using firearms against firearms is a win for the rwnj - it totally plays to their fantasies. You should switch your allegiance to Republican before pulling this stunt, as it represents your actual thinking. Leave the shooting to the cops and the armed forces. Stick to politics and making better laws, then enforcing them.

The word she wss.looking for is ’ unlawful.’

gosh, what a big he man.
I want to give him much sexy time.


File a brandishing complaint with the jurisdiction that issues the GOP rep’s CCW permit. Likely the Sheriff of his county of residence. Publicize the complaint, cite the statute violated, the statutory penalty and the specific date of filing. Insist on enforcement. Don’t let the sheriff sweep it under the rug. Persist.


Not at all. It’s the classic schoolyard bully piece. They run all over the place intimidating people until people stand up to them, then they turn tail and run.

Allowing them to own the playground only plays to their ego.

While I fully agree that we’d all be better off with nobody armed, so stupid fights and arguments aren’t a death sentence, in the status quo, we’re better off if the Left takes up arms in equal numbers.

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“Say hello to my little (penis) friend.”