Discussion: GOP Senator Reveals GOP's Biggest Fear If Obamacare Goes Down In Court

Look, the Republicans don’t care if anyone has health care except themselves.

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On first reading I thought you’d typed “warm toad.”

And tell me how any of those visions of wheelchairs over cliffs, et.al. are wrong?

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“Just a one-sentence bill allowing people’s subsidies to flow to federal exchanges and/or offer the governors.”

It shouldn’t be needed.

Like everyone, including corporations, the federal government – especially – has the right to establish nationwide retail outlets of any kind permitted by the people. (We permit these, by the way.) How generous of it to offer the option for states to exercise their right to determine how a valuable, revenue-generating, self-funding system runs, but also gets a piece of the action.

What kind of society will this be if states can optionally decide to leave people in needless misery?

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Single payer!


And yet, this does not translate this into trouncing them on election days. Come what may, the sociopaths go to the booth, the a large part of the rest stays home (in non-presidential years anyway).

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OR: "Careful what you wish for, you sonofab*tch’; you might just get it."

Hey Republicans and your odious Bagger, Con rube and hick depraved base…You built that! Now take careful aim and fire away!

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“A deluge of attacks on Republicans for supposedly having caused this,”
Supposedly? You know, really, Republicans are so good at “framing” things. (It helps, I’m sure, to have no need to tell the truth.) But just watch. If the subsidies are eliminated, Johnson et al are going to start saying the Democrats did it. “They wrote the bill! They were the ones that left out the federal exchange! It’s their fault!”

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These guys are just too pro life for me.


So IOW, they are not worried in the least about the real people that will be hurt and or die from their actions, only that they will get the blame for what they really do.

I have news for them, they already get the blame and millions of their constituents are benefitting from Obamacare because, even an idiot teabagger needs healthcare.

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Well, it looks like the death panel all along was the Supreme Court, and we never knew that. What do ya know.

Oooh, that’s cold.

“Sad Sacks”. That’s what these heartless conservatives think of anyone less fortunate than they. Sad sacks just can’t pay their medical bills and will have to suffer and die! Worried more about their political image than human beings. The R’s are the true sad sacks.

It would appear the the GOP has gone suicidal. If they can’t pass laws putting the Bible in every school, cutting taxes on the wealthiest Americans to 0%, repealing all corporate taxes, and killing the ACA, Social Security, and Medicare – they’ll pass nothing.

I live in New York. Yes. I have criticisms of Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat (at least, by party affiliation). But, having witnessed, over the last few months, the crazy stuff coming out of Indiana, Arkansas, and, now, Louisiana, on the gay-rights issues; the idiocy coming out of Arizona (among others) on the ACA issue; virtually everything coming out of the mouths of Rick Scott, Scott Walker, and on and on… I don’t see or read similar stuff coming from the blue states.

It would appear that every GOP politician in the Nation has taken leave of his/her senses and is striving to out-dumb all the others. Do they offer, anywhere, a position paper that tells us where they intend to take this Nation?

That’s right Ads showing Republicans shoving old ladies in wheelchairs down the stairs
There’s an APP for that

Bravo. Your retort to this nonsensical argument cannot be said often enough

The Death Panels brought on by repubs who did not set up Exchanges in States and expand medicaid are already happening…Call them about it…

1.866.220.0044 or 1.866.338.1015

The World knows this is true but the repub cretins are trying to take us back to this 3rd World attitude:

Have to love it when you have to decide who, the interviewer or the interviewee, has the lowest IQ.

Here’s what Republicans will have to replace:

  1. Legislation designed by the Right Wing Heritage Foundation, first proposed by fourteen Republican Senators in 1993 and first signed into law by a Republican Governor.
  2. Legislation favoring pharmaceuticals over patients,
  3. Legislation favoring the insurance industry over health care providers and individuals.
  4. Legislation requiring us to pay premiums to private for-profit insurance companies or be fined,
  5. Legislation assuring private for-profits a 20% overhead rate (Medicare operates on 4%),
  6. Legislation allowing the pharmaceutical industry it can charge what it wants.
  7. Legislation that is probably the singular most perfect example of Crony Capitalism ever crafted, passed by Congress and signed by a President.
    Traditional Democrats think it stinks, because it is pure Crony Capitalism.
    ACA Obamacare makes real reform more difficult:
    A. By funding private for-profits with billions of tax-payer and premium-payer money mandated by the law (private for-profits can use this money to advertise against real reform, to hire lobbyists, to give campaign contributions to ‘sympathetic candidates’),
    B. By guaranteeing a bloated overhead - funny money - for the private for profits (Medicare operates on 4%, the private for-profits get 20%), and
    C. By pretending ‘real reform’ has happened, when in fact real reform has been made more difficult by the federal government requiring its citizens to pay into the most costly health care system and the federal government subsidizing private for-profit insurers with tax payers’ money.
    Obamacare does all these things - all things Republican contributors want.
    So, I can tell you this: One of the biggest wishes of actual Democrats (not Obama/Hillary Democrats, Im talking about Democratic voters) is that Obamacare hits the ash can and real reform begins, i.e.universal single payer health care, lowering the age of eligibility for Medicare so that everyone is eligible.

Obamacare is perhaps the most perfect piece of crony capitalist legislation ever passed and signed.
How could the Republicans outdo that!?
Especially, when most Americans want to simply lower the age of eligibility for Medicare, so that all citizens can become eligible.

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