Discussion: GOP Senator Questions If Sebelius Replacement Will Serve Obama Or The People

Discussion for article #221035

“harp on their issues with Obamacare.”

do these harpies realize that every time they start asking stupid questions in public it only reveals that these lawmakers are working for someone other than The People?
This is projection at its finest, and they are using this unfortunate and symbolic fellow to be their new doofus for them.
The simplest logic dictates that the very act of opposing the ACA was for the benefit of the 1%, despite the fact they enlisted quite a few 99%ers to do their dirty work for them.
Their questions almost always relate to protecting big business interests, not We, the People, and every time they challenge Sebelius aloud or in hearings, it is all the more obvious.


Not sure I understand his statement. Is it the sole job of the SHHS to ferret out an actual number? Seems like a fairly low priority task to me that plenty of other people are already chasing.

It’s just more of the same. More proof that the Republican Party has become Monty Python’s Silly Party.

“He added that he needs to better understand “her approach to making sure that the American people are the primary objective and not politics,” when it comes to Obamacare.”

No, you don’t need to a damn thing but continue to obstruct as you’ve been doing all along. You don’t need to do anything because Burwell will be confirmed with 51 Democratic votes. You and your fellow GOPers have made yourselves irrelevant to the process. Hopefully, in November voters will make sure your irrelevance persists.

But if we listen to conventional wisdom about mid term elections, even in the wake of the most worthless Congress in history, some of these cons will be rewarded for failure.
The Tea Mob candidates in particular, will be judged not for their accomplishments, but for the lack of them.Instead of repeating history, it is time for Dems to MAKE history and get the old mid term monkey off its back.

Spot on! This could be yet another historic election if Democrats get off their asses and go vote. Democrats’ “fair shot” campaign is an excellent start and I was pleased to hear that the president plans on making voting rights a big part of his message for 2014. If Democrats stick to this plan and push a progressive agenda, I will not be remotely surprised if the"conventional wisdom" proves to be terribly wrong yet again. But Democrats can’t try to run on being a kinder, gentler version of their GOP counterparts. They need to draw a clear and unmistakable contrast between themselves and the GOP and they need to make it crystal clear just what’s at stake if the GOP takes control of the Senate.

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…one might think that by now, the contrast you speak of would be unquestionable, but somehow there’s still a large body of independents, tea mobbers and uber-libs who equivocate both parties so casually. It is almost as if they are intellectually lazy.
I can not imagine anyone still sitting on a fence somewhere between our political poles, it really is a no-man’s land because nobody can justify not knowing which way to lean when the options are so stark.

Tim Scott needs to understand, I think, that the POTUS sets his administration’s policies and the various cabinet members carry them out within their various departments. That’s how the Executive Branch works. So, the secretaries serve at the pleasure of the President but serve the country as a whole.