Gosh Cassidy…have you talked to Mitch lately? He’s all in on another 8 years of total obstruction…after all, it’s not about the COUNTRY for God’s sake…
Ya think, Bill?
Not just the messenger, your message is also screwed up.
Tax cuts for the wealthy, perpetual war, voting right restrictions, climate change denial, and an overall inability to govern.
I disagree, Billy. I think Drumpf is the perfect messenger. He embodies everything there is to know about the Republiklan message. Clueless, crooked, hateful, self-immolating … what more could you ask for?
Maybe Trump Is The Wrong Messenger For The Party
FOX: We think Trump is a perfect candidate: Bigot, Liar, Multiple Marriages, Devout Fake Christian, White, Loud/Obnoxious, Thought/Careless, anti-Women etc. His credentials will easily get him a show at FOX.
What the fuck is this guy talking about? Is he saying that Trump really is aligned with Republican principles, just not assuming the right posture to deliver evil? Wait – that IS what he’s saying!
Well, Trump is an asshole, a racist, a serial liar, willing to fool 40% of the nation as some faux savior for pure self interest, and he believes the lowest of hanging fruit when it comes to internet conspiracy theories. And he wears all of that on his sleeve.
I fail to see how he’s not the best messenger for the GOP they’ve ever had.
is that because George Wallace and George Lincoln Rockwell are dead?
Let’s see, 30+ years of racism, bigotry, misogyny, trickle down crap that only helps the rich and low and behold you got yourself the perfect messenger…the orange HO!
Reap what you sow!
Trump is the wrong messenger for the GOP, because he’s a hateful, bigoted pathological liar with no concern or empathy for his fellow citizens, but because he’s unable to conceal those qualities.
What message do those guys even have lately?
Laying the groundwork for absolutely no change. Just like every other loss, it was the candidate, not the party.
This is very revealing. For this GOP Senator, it’s not Trump’s racist policies that are out of line with the GOP. It’s the rude, crass, and honest way in which he articulates them.
Every time I hear this kind of thing I figure the internal polling results they’re getting must just be brutal. This is like piling sandbags and boarding up windows.
another right wing phucktard saying drumpf is the wrong messenger for his party…hahaha no you jagoff he is the perfect messenger for your party he is only saying what you have been saying behind semi closed doors for 50 years…oh by the way you just say no to sex absinance only asshat … tell us about your knocked up 16 year old daughter again
dam Kassidy has been drinking a shit load of the right wing kook aid with an extra splash of draino
Vox came out with an article saying Trump supporters were either complaining about valid economic concerns or were racially biased. The evidence showed they predominantly came from areas with higher wages and lower unemployment.
Ryan knows how to order an expensive bottle of wine and stick a lobbyist with the bill.
And clean an already-clean pot.
The GOP’s idea of A Great American.