He just wants to murder people in a way that appeases the Church of Rand.
The ‘conservatives’ are like junkies who’ve scored fentanyl they know is laced with rat poison…
John Boehner: “Lucifer in the flesh…I have never worked with a more miserable son of a b!tch in my life.”
To which Rep. Peter King replied, "He gives Lucifer a bad name by comparing him to Ted Cruz.”
I’m stunned that it would be Senator “Death Panels” who hung Cruz out to dry.
Iowa is an aging state. Most of the young people leave in search of career opportunities. If Grassley’s constituents were to get hurt by health care changes, and they inevitably would, Grassley would feel the hurt of being jobless. He’s despicable, not stupid.
A Republican becoming rational?
Something’s wrong.
Oooooh, Charles Grassley of I-O-Way uses the word “subterfuge” in a sentence - a word which, by the way, the candy-ass motherfucker does not even know how to spell in real life.
Hey, Chuck? Why not call these moves to eliminate pre-existing conditions protections what they REALLY are - DEATH PANELS, YOU HYPOCRITICAL SON-OF-A-BITCH!
What’s wrong is that the rationality is spurred more by self-preservation than any concern for people.
It’s just too weird how completely opposite the Republican Party has become, and the number of voters who just drift along.
Grassley tries to make himself look good by comparing himself to Ted Cruz.
But, of course, Richard Speck looks all warm and cuddly, too, when you compare him to Pol Pot.
My favorites are from Senator Al Franken:
Ted Cruz is the guy who microwaves fish in the office kitchenette; and,
Nobody in the Senate likes Ted Cruz more than I do, and I hate Ted Cruz.
And I still say the corn-fed fucker sounds exactly like Buffalo Bill in “The Silence of the Lambs”:
You know, if someone had accused my father of helping to assassinate an American president, I would have ripped his balls off with my bare hands and fed them to stray dogs in an alley.
But Ted Cruz, being the Republican POS that he is, sucks on Trump’s balls instead.
Cruz is a dedicated employee of the Koch Brothers - and he continues to serve them well.
You are correct and as always politics are local and ultimately reality based.
They can all go fuck themselves.
“If it is subterfuge and it has the effect of annihilating the pre-existing condition requirement that we have in the existing bill, than obviously I would object to that.”
“object” does NOT equal “vote no”
You can have these cheap plans that cover nothing, or you can have a real plan (puts pinky to lips) for a million dollars.
Subterfuge. Is that what they call it