Discussion: GOP Senator Brings The Sarcasm: Trump Deserves 'Award For Hispanic Turnout'

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Miss Scarlett! I have wondered where you got to.

What an adorable wit you have, Lindsey - did you bat your eyelashes over the top of your fan when you said this?

At least you have had the good graces to be mostly disgusted by all of this.

And PS - it isn’t just Hispanics, my dear - it’s also women and African Americans and mostly everyone in the entire country who isn’t white and angry about losing supremacy.


Miz Lindsey is worried that, since she let Idela go and replaced her with Consuela, she might have to press her own chiffon if HO wins and starts the deportations.


Venture beyond the plantation once in a while, Lindsey.

The world is changing and you and your GOP ilk are being discarded to the compost heap of history.


But of course.



But didn’t Miz Lindsay vote for the bad man?

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I dunno, man. This is what you’re suggesting:

“You know our candidate four years ago? The guy who called all of you rapists, murderers and drug-runners? You remember how we stayed quiet and didn’t shout him down with denouncements and kill his candidacy in the cradle? Remember that time?”

“Yeah, forget all that. Vote for us.”

I think that if you had any chance…ever…of folding them into the tent before your party literally becomes non-viable on the national stage…you poured gasoline on it, lit it on fire, made s’mores and pissed on the ashes.

That’s gone, Senator.


“So Trump deserves the award for Hispanic turnout. He did more to get them out than any Democrat has ever done.”

Perhaps the award will be in the shape of a wall and he can place it next to his Russian state medals?


Lindsey, do you really think the crazies, the racists, the bigots, the white nationalists will all just go away when Trump loses? Where would they go? The Republican party owns them now. And, if they did leave and start their own party, who would fill the void to become the Republican base?


“If we don’t come to grips with the demographic challenges we have with Hispanics in presidential politics, we’ll never right the ship," he said.

Funny. When you’re eye-to-eye with the catfish, it doesn’t matter where you point the boat.


One thing about Graham that I like (well, the only thing…) is that he occasionally will come up with a statement like this that captures reality in a snarky way. I particularly liked his comment from a couple of years ago about there not being enough angry old white guys left to sustain the Republicans. So very true–and coming to fruition now.


I guess we’re not going to have the rotating First Lady Lindsey talked about when he was in the running last year. This thread had the funniest comments I’ve ever seen. Take a look. You’ll be hahahaha for hours.



“If we don’t come to grips with the demographic challenges we have with Hispanics in presidential politics, we’ll never right the ship," he said.

Gee, Lindsay. You mentioned Hispanics but you left out women, African Americans, Muslims, Atheists, the young, the educated and, generally, anyone who isn’t preternaturally hateful and bat-shit crazy.

As far as I can tell he only redeeming factor of the Grab Our Pussies is that it is made up of older folks soon headed for the fucking grave. R’amen.

Thank you, FSM, for placing limits on longevity. R’amen.


My Dog, I’d forgotten that one! Thanks for the trip down snarky lane!


It was priceless. Lindsey’s always had that effect on us.


And these folks are not coming out in droves to vote for the guy who calls them rapists, says he will build a wall to keep out the ones not here and deport those who are, and brags about his serial sexual assaults.


There was a party of Cavaliers and Cotton Fields called the GOP… Here in this pretty world Gallantry took its last bow… Here was the last ever to be seen of Knights and their Ladies Fair, of Master and Slave, of White Privilege and colored subservience … Look for it only in books, for it is no more than a dream remembered. A political party gone with the wind…


I think that is really obvious by this point.

If the GOP wants to keep scraping the bottom and pulling up the worst there is down there, Ms Lindsey is going to have some thinking to do about how soiled she wants those velvet hems to get.


Lindsey: I’m going to live through this and when it’s all over, I’ll never be hungry again.


As God is my witness …