Discussion: GOP Sen. Sessions: It's 'Appropriate' To Discuss Trump's Muslim Ban

Discussion for article #243644

"But at the same time, we’re in an age that’s very dangerous and we’re seeing more and more persons enter and lots of them have done terrorist acts and a lot of them believe it’s commanded by their religion."

Yet another said: “god made us so he can kill who he wants…the lord giveth the lord taketh away blessed be the name of the [LORD][1].”-Bob Dear

[1]: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/robert-dear-solicit-sex-rant-bible-online-article-1.2449509


What a surprise! Senator Jubilation T. Cornpone clenches all 6 fingers in a fist salute…


Relitigating freedom of religion is a slippery slope. Next thing you know were taking the second amendment literally and regulating our guns and militias.


"The classical, internal American religious principles, I don’t think, apply providing constitutional protections to persons — not citizens — who want to come here," he said. "They’re not in the United States and they’re not entitled to the constitutional protections of the United States."

“But as a principle, we want to be not condemnatory of other people’s religion,” Sessions added. "And there are millions of wonderful, decent, good Muslims, hundreds of millions worldwide, and so we’ve got to be really careful that we don’t cross that line and I guess Mr. Trump has caused us all to think about it more concretely."

'so i guess Muslims are exempted from arrest…"

In bringing up that ‘classical American principles’ (whatever that means), Sessions basically contradicts the Roger Williams story.

After all he left Rhode Island for a reason.

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The U.S. Congress will pass a measure to ban, in some form or fashion, entry of adherents to the religion of Islam into the United States. Mark it down. What was outrageous a mere few days ago is now being openly discussed as common sense by dozens of politicians, consultants and members of the media leaning Right. Trump has pulled the GOP to this degree with his rhetoric.


I doubt that. Republicans might, but Democrats will stymie it and Obama will certainly veto it.

But the interesting point to make is, weren’t these the same people screaming about Religious Freedom to protect bakers for baking cakes for gay marriages? And raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for a pizzeria that refused to cater gay marriages (like they ever received even 1 request for that)?

Time certainly does fly…


Note, Nimrod: You “crossed that line” when you attempted to parse racism as not-racism.

The stupidest man in Congress.


The racist dog-whistles are now police sirens, and the GOP can’t cheer loudly enough.


Sessions, bless your racist heart. I can’t look at your ugly mug without bringing this image to mind:


Note: I love Henry Gibson, but Jefferson Beauregard, not so much.


“But as a principle, we want to be not condemnatory of other people’s religion,” Sessions added. “And there are millions of wonderful, decent, good Muslims, hundreds of millions worldwide, and so we’ve got to be really careful that we don’t cross that line and I guess Mr. Trump has caused us all to think about it more concretely.”

Donald’s good deed?

I think we should stop calling him Mr.


I didn’t say it would ultimately pass. And “stymie” isn’t “stop”. 2/3 of their base when polled support Trump’s ban. It would be a net plus to craft some sort of measure and force Obama to veto it. It wouldn’t even have to be a full ban, just a series of ridiculously onerous and insulting screening measures to signal the GOP masses they’re the ones to be trusted on internal security. After the veto they could wave their bloody sheet at the voters and castigate Democrats for being weak on terrorism.


Trump didn’t pull them right. They would be nothing but thrilled to spend the next several months attacking Trump over his views being against American values.

What pulled them right was the two polls that came out showing two thirds of their party thought it was a good idea.

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Hey Keebler Elf-tRump is not an elected official and never will be! He does NOT get to propose/make US policy!

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It’s a never-ending race to the bottom, but for once I have to stand up for my own senator, Ron Johnson.


Gruppenfuehrer Sessions to Herr Trump as they plummet to doom in a Ford Pinto: “I’ve always loved you.”


I should have waited until after I swallowed my tea … my next keyboard is on you!

You have a point.

The Old Confederacy will never die as long as Jefferson Beauregard Sessions is in the Senate. Until Joni Ernst and Tom Cotton were elected, he was my go-to “least favorite Senator”!


It would seem that Senator Sessions has not understood what the First Amendment actually does. Specifically it does not “[provide] constitutional protections to persons”. It does not make any distinction between “persons” or “citizens”. It prohibits Congress from passing any “law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”. The subject (target?) of any such law is irrelevant.

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