Nimrod, your “colleague” Brat just tried.
Not that you’re mistaken. He made a total fool of himself as usuaal.
Whooa…I didn’t know Sarah Palin was on these flights!
Didn’t say nothing about lipgloss…
Simple truth. I must have seen three or four other comments by people who’ve worked in proper Presidential administrations that this guy would have simply been fired as soon as this was found out. No question—boom, gone.
The bar for behavior has been put into a closet for the duration of the tRump administration.
It will be taken out and lifted very high once a Democrat retakes the presidency.
No excuses here,” Kennedy responded bluntly. “Can’t put lipstick on this pig. It’s a pig.”
and yet
What we have here is a Monarch with his many Secretaries serving as Dukes and Duchesses, each with their own fiefdom.
The mistake Duke Price made was not that he stole from the subjects, but not paying the King his just due. That’s why the King is not pleased.
I don’t care what Trump does with Price but Congress should make him reimburse the taxpayers now.
There’s a name for this: “Potomac Fever”
People get to Washington and start thinking they are more important than they really are.
Had he not been exposed this surely would have become the norm.
'Who checks those Travel and Expense forms anyway?"
“Should he be fired, senator?” Smith pressed.
Braaa-vo, fox bobblehead. If this were a Democratic administration:
“Should he face a firing squad, Senator?” Smith grinned with bloodlust.
Price - “I checked KAYAK but couldn’t find any flights on Trump Airlines Mr. President.”
The delay in this case is that DDD much first acknowledge that this type of reckless disregard for the use of taxpayer money is wrong. That may take a while.
Sen. Kennedy better mend his ways, before he gets read right out of the Republican Party.
Actually, it’s putting lipstick on something much worse…
Pucker up for a big ol’ sloppy wet one, GOP.
(h/t @darrtown)
That’s only because you visit all those libruhl websites. Obviously Kennedy is just part of the establishment swamp that needs to be flushed so we can MAGA.
His mistake was that he got caught. That’s how he and der Furor look at it, anyway. Has nothing to do with right or wrong or duty to the people or anything like that. It’s all about causing embarrassment to the maladministration.
…then he checks the wrong box