Discussion: GOP Sen. Falls 2 Points Behind Dem Challenger In North Carolina Poll


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Get the pirate vote out!!!

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Richard Burr has some spooky, soulless eyes. Reminds me of the head vampire in ā€œSalemā€™s Lotā€.


Honestly, Burr is infinitely preferable to the execrable Tom Tillis who was floated to victory over Kay Hagan on a raft of Koch money and Democrat apathy. If he was the norm for Republicans today, Iā€™d be grateful and sleep better. But heā€™s also perfectly willing to play the RWNJ during election season.

Iā€™m not getting my hopes up. Hagan was ahead of Tillis in every poll until she lost. But hereā€™s hoping.

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Yes, but . . .

It occurs to me that those are all the Republicans left who are what I wish all Republicans were. I canā€™t stand any of them, theyā€™re all soulless wipers of oligarch bottoms and shameless panderers. But I also wish they were the norm among Republicans rather than a rapidly shrinking remnant.


Fair enough.

I was away at a conference when I got the news about the NBC polls. I almost shouted out in a room full of people. Not taking anything for granted here. We are going to work our asses off.