“because Americans hate the federal government telling them what to do,”
The universal explanation as the GOP nihilists continue their travels down the road to the Ayn Rand Utopia populated by rugged individualists.
“because Americans hate the federal government telling them what to do,”
The universal explanation as the GOP nihilists continue their travels down the road to the Ayn Rand Utopia populated by rugged individualists.
Shorter Sen. Cassidy: If Jesus wills that we commit suicide as a species by rendering our planet inhabitable in pursuit of the almighty dollar, then it’s God’s will, and who am I to get in the Big Guy’s way?
“I’m actually neutral on whether we pull out of the Paris Accord or not,” he said, according to the Times-Picayune.
That position will not work. Not expressing your opposition to withdrawal is exactly the same position as supporting withdrawal. You’re either in, or out. There is no middle ground. Unless, of course, you’re kinda pregnant.
Huger than losing New Orleans? Not even Exxon wants the US to pull out of the Treaty.
“When he mentioned that President Donald Trump pledged to eliminate the ACA mandates “because Americans hate the federal government telling them what to do,” a few members of the audience could be heard saying, “No,” according to a clip from the event aired by MSNBC.”
I think he’s confusing American’s hatred of the federal government with the party who controls all three of its branches at the moment. Yes, Senator, we do hate the party that controls the federal government. Please, be a true patriot and walk away like you mean it.
The whole world is laughing at Donnie. Even Scandinavians, who collectively are not know for their humor, other than Ole & Lena jokes…
Did Nordic leaders troll Trump with ‘orb’ photo?
Without the levees, the river goes away. It’s apparently all the Corps of Engineers can do to prevent the river from heading down the Atchafalaya River and stranding New Orleans. John McPhee wrote a good piece on it. (It’s 30 years old, but McPhee’s prose is so elegant that it’s still worth a read.)
Well, there is your problem. You specified human civilization. He, and his fellow GOP brothers are not worried. Cockroaches will survive anything.
I have read that the first American town lost to rising sea level came in Louisiana. He is losing territory all the time. It is amazing what Koch money can buy.
Let’s hope it’s a trend that keeps a few senators awake at night. End of the day, most of these people want to keep a job that pays well and has a lot of perks. The more heat they feel, the more likely it is that the ACA survives until election…
“He lost by 3 million votes.” Face it, senator, your party only controls government because it’s better at gerrymandering and voter suppression than actual governing.