Discussion: GOP Sen. Collins: Senate Should Hold 'Public Hearings' On Obama SCOTUS Nominee

GOP: She will sing a different tune when we pull all our financial support from her (ask Lisa M from Alaska). Party trumps constitution and party doesnt want any hearings.

All these Senators bobbing and weaving and piggybacking off others is another excellent example of President Obama’s failure of leadership. /snark


Well you know, since Randy Pants Paul dropped out of the race for POTUS and he only pretends to like McConnell…maybe…but he is still on the ballot for KY Senator in this cycle so he’ll have to walk a fine line between his usual constitution yack yack and rural KY voters who hate the blah in the White House.

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It’s pretty bad when this means you’re the grown-up in the room. Such a low bar for governance…


She’ll vote NO; so much for this profile in courage.

Notice that the gop/bag senators running for re-election in states where President Obama won (both times) are starting to break away from the fire breathers on this issue.

They probably won’t be voting yes anytime soon. But, once a highly qualified nominee is sent for confirmation, and they continue to block or vote no in unison, that will be the end of mitch’s stance!

Keep shaming them President Obama!

jony mc is already getting primaried by a couple of AZ tea baggers. So, he just might hold ranks. IF he wins the primary, then he’ll cave. I don’t see that happening anytime prior to his primary.

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“I think the obligation of the Senate is to carefully consider any
nominee whom the president submits,” Collins told reporters, according
to The Hill. “The best way to do that, in my judgement, is public hearings.”

No problem, Sue, just as soon as you can name any other SC Justice who has had to go through public hearings. Otherwise, do your freakin’ job.

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If you’re a hopeless crank about this, I definitely am. In the end, most of the damage was done by Joe Lieberman [spits on ground] Because of him, and his open shilling for the for-profit insurance industry and the deficit scolds, the ACA is less good than it could have been. But Lieberman’s [spits on ground] intransigence on the public option opened the door for Collins to do what she did and then, after numerous concessions were voted into the bill to try to get the vote she was never going to give, she slammed the door and they had to give Lieberman [spits on ground] whatever he wanted on a bill they’d already damaged for Collins.


do you have any corroboration to the reaming effect? please provide links. thx.

I believe that, for all his political savvy, Mitch was alittle to quick out of the gate on this issue. He fears losing the conservative advantage on the court and gave no thought to those senators up for reelection. The tea leaves are slowly settling. The announcement of a nominee will quickly settle the issue. And don’t we already know it will be a very capable individual.

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she could be joni ernst from iowa. one serious wackadoodle.

I live in Maine and I hope that next time she goes for Re-Election she is sent packing.She is no Moderate at all.Or you could say this…Compared to the majority of GOP she will appear to be Moderate but that is not really what a Moderate should be.

You will now watch the GOP do a backtrack one by one.The thing is they already shot off their damn bigot mouths and it is to late to go backwards.Any who now say there should be an Appointment are doing it cause they worry about Votes but inside them …in their minds they do believe in stopping Obama from even making an appointment.

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I like the idea of public hearings. It’ll make it that much more difficult for Republicans to explain why they torched the nominee, when (I’m assuming) nothing scandalous comes out.

Christ, has the bar on what constitutes a ‘moderate’ in the Republican Party gone south.

  • If you’re utterly irrational for ONLY a few weeks, then you must be a moderate.
  • If you don’t follow your party leadership when they’re promoting breaking with the Constitution, you must be a moderate.
  • If you acknowledge the President MAY have a legitimate reason for carrying out his Constitutional duties, you must be a moderate.

What we need is a true liberal in the White House… like Ronald Reagan or George HW Bush.

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If Trump wraps up the nomination, the Senate will confirm any vaguely reasonable candidate. The alternative is waiting until after the election in which the GOP is hammered both at the top and down-ticket, and Hillary or Bernie can take their pick of nominees. Hmmm…

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Public hearings —Republicanese for humiliation of President O’s nominee and berating O for the audacity of behaving presidentially.

Well from the writing I have seen here about these vulnerable GOP Senators, I feel that the thing to do is to boycott the General Election should Bernie Sanders not get the Nomination. Or go Green Party.

That would really give us some REAL (revolutionary :sunglasses:) leverage, man!

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Easy to say when there is really no threat of backing that statement up. Americans need to realize that the Reps are an Anti-government militia group.

WE already had a TOWN HALL meeting on this MAN, WE THE PEOPLE have spoken by voting HIM to be OUR President…NOW, STFU and let him do the PEOPLE’S business. HE WILL SELECT the next Supreme Court Justice…

Team: TRICKY DICKIES are still alive.