Discussion for article #243083
Any GOP objection to Trump is fraudulent. None are giving up their versions of punishing Syrians, immigrants, or refugees.
Trump has 25 to 30 % support by GOP voters. That group LIKES his database idea so I don’t think his competitors are going to get much traction going after the idea. Also, all the candidates are spewing some version of Anti-Muslim rhetoric so really…whats the difference. Internment, denial of entry…Christians only…closing Mosques…whats the fucking difference?
yeah they will attack him over this … but the sad part is that they didn’t come up with the assholeic idea themselves
legal expert say is unconstitutional.
Oh well … It’s not like there aren’t other outlandish things he can say —
The Donald will just double down on some other “don’t step in it” pile —
Let’s be clear…all of the GoP presidential candidates feel and think the same way Donald Trump does and this so called “rival condemnation” is a strategy to push Donald from their party’s top pick for the general elections to be held in 2016!
How do you say a version of
“Too late, Luthor!”
in triplicate?
In an ideal world, I would have expected the MSM to ask those other R candidates to explain the difference between his idea of a national database of Muslims and their ideas of religion screening tests, of closing “all of them, any of them,” of a Judeo-Christian agency, etc., etc. And to press them to explain how all those of their ideas could help “keep us safer” and “effectively prevent terrorist attacks.”
Yes, in my ideal world.
Drumpf’s plan: After the list, the crescent armbands.
“The First Amendment protects religious liberty, and I’ve spent the past several decades defending the religious liberty of every American,” Cruz told reporters in Sioux City, Iowa.
Oh Ted, Ted, Ted. You have spend your career (such that it is) defending “christian” entitlement. Do you remember just the other day saying that we (as in the US) should take in only Christian immigrants? Because, Ted, the internets do!
“The First Amendment protects religious liberty, and I’ve spent the past several decades defending the religious liberty of every American,” Cruz told reporters in Sioux City, Iowa.
Which is why he would have a religious test allowing Syrian Christians to enter the US, but not Syrian Muslims.
Trump will win NH, come in second in IA; Carson will win IA and come in second in NH, and if a benevolent god is watching, this will be their high point and they’ll start going downhill after these two primaries.
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush called the prospect of a registry “abhorrent.” Florida Sen. Marco Rubio said the idea was “unnecessary” and not something Americans would support. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who has largely avoided criticizing Trump throughout the 2016 campaign, said, “I’m not a fan of government registries of American citizens.”
Sharp rebukes? Really? I’ll give Jeb some credit, but look at what Rubio and Cruz have said. Not exactly “sharp rebukes”. More like, yeah, it’s unconstitutional and absurd, but I’ve got to give the base what they want.
Thanks for the link. It’s easy to understand why he’s the most disliked guy in the Senate and no one wants to work with him, which could also explain why he’s trying to take over running the House.
Agreed. This is the same kinda reaction when Trump rolled out his idea of Great Wall of Trump. Those wimpy assholes were like “Well, I don’t think that’s realistic, blah blah blah.” Nobody directly condemned him for the very idea itself.
All the Republicans are attacking him? I expect him to go up another five or ten points by the end of next week.
If there is a God he’ll make sure one of the two win and run in the general election. Neither have a chance. Rubio…he might pull it off. So you best pray for Trump or Carson. There’s a reason the GOP king makers want those two fools gone.
That preamble could be repeated scores of times at any “press conference” or interview regarding Republicans.
Two things: stenographers on one side and word salad on the other.
I must admit that I had an astounding experience watching Marsha Blackburn working her version of non-stop talking of word salad on Lawrence O’Donnell in the summer of 2011. And Lawrence is one of the better questioners out there.
The rest of the time, it is usually butterknife “questions”, no follow-up and no perspective given, often making the word salad and Talking Points (2nd and 3rd lines of BaggerPol defense) unnecessary.
Gee, I hope they don’t hang his body upside down at a gas station…
Rubio will in fact be the nominee, but he will also lose by at least 12% points to HRC.