Huff post has some examples of tweets from democrats. The theme most of them have is simple. The repubs are taking away your health care and risking the lives of millions to give the very rich a massive tax break. Seems like a winning message to me and it is even true. As some of us have already said, this stuff is going to write itself and the writing has already begun.
‘I may be screwing MY people, but NEW YORK! Yeah NEW YORK!’ Honest to God. THAT’S your excuse you pathetic moron? OR throwing your staff under the bus? WTF do you DO for $175,000 a year? Beers at the WH with the Orange Buffoon???
There was a giant tax cut for the wealthy. Since when has anything else mattered to a Republican?
Should be more like
Wake up you fucking morons!
These people do not care about you one bit
Not even a little
I hope there is a good image of him raising a can of Bud Lite at the post-apocalypse beer bash in the Rose Garden. Along with all the rest of them, it should appear in 2018 campaign ads with the caption “Republicans celebrate depriving millions of healthcare.”
They did this so fast and without transparency.
A couple of weeks and a townhall, even if scary, would have left him more prepared, because questions like this would have been answered, written about in newspaper analysis, etc.
No fault but their own.
Agree with the sentiment but it might be a tad harsh.
Gov. Cuomo sent a letter to all GOP NY Congressmen explaining the impact the AHCA would have on the state. This motherfucker is lying through his teeth - in fact, he fought to get those people thrown off their insurance.
GOP: the party of bespoke suit-wearing sadists.
Collins(Retard - NY): Its not my fault, my staff did not tell me. My staff was entirely staffed by Obama and they are just incompetent. I dont have time to read this monstrous bill. Who does?
It will be even more fun and games when the CBO score comes out next week. How much will this add to the deficit? I know, that’s only an issue when there is a Democrat in the White House…the level of hypocrisy evident in the GOP is approaching infinity.
Mourning Joe left this shot on the screen for about 2 minutes this am while they discussed it
He said there you have it
A group of old fat white Millionaires and Billionaires celebrating trying to deprive poor people of health care
And deny women insurance by making sexual assault, domestic abuse, c-sections, and postpartum depression pre-existing conditions again…and even if they do have insurance, they’ll pay more than men.
If he is a rep, and that dim not to know how many of his citizens benefit from a special feature of ACA, then he deserves all the shame possible. And, to blame the staff is a mark of a weenie of the first order. Not a profile in courage.
When a reporter for the Buffalo News told Collins that the American Health Care Act would eliminate funding for an optional program adopted only by New York and Minnesota called the Essential Plan, Collins replied, “Explain that to me.”
Rep. Collins goes to his Doctor. The Doctor says: “I’m sorry, but you have terminal cancer.” Collins says: “I’d like a second opinion.” The Doctor says: “All right, you’re an idiot, too.”
That will scare the daylights out of the Senate.
Is Barrasso in Wyoming—which gave Trump 67%—worried at all about blowback in 2018? The last time a Democrat was elected to the Senate from Wyoming was in 1970. Is Hatch worried? The last Democrat elected to the Senate from Utah was also in 1970—and Hatch was the guy who beat him. Is Wicker in Mississippi really worried that a Democrat will beat him in 2018 because of health care, when the last Dem to win was Stennis in '82?
Some may think that once voters realize that their health insurance is being taken away by Republicans that the swing in voter attitudes against the GOP might be dramatic. In response to that I’ll point out what happened in Kentucky recently:
"Kentucky counties with highest Medicaid rates backed Matt Bevin, who plans to cut Medicaid,” trumpeted the headline on John Cheves’ Nov. 14, 2015, Lexington Herald-Leader story.
“Bevin” is Kentucky’s tea party-tilting, union-despising Republican governor. He got elected after vowing to cut the state’s Medicaid program and abolish Kynect, the state’s successful health care exchange under the ACA.
Around half a million Kentuckians got health insurance via connect, about 425,000 through Medicaid, Cheves wrote.
Bevin’s opponent, Jack Conway, the state’s Democratic attorney general, supported Kynect. Bevin won with 52.5 percent of the vote. Conway got 48.3 and an independent managed 3.7 percent.
Cheves pointed to a study by Andrea Malji, a political scientist at Lexington’s Transylvania University. The prof said she “crunched state data and found a ‘99 percent confidence level’ between the counties’ Medicaid enrollment levels and their gubernatorial choices.”
Explained Cheves: “The larger the Medicaid numbers, the more likely they were to back Bevin, she said. The lower the Medicaid numbers, the more likely they were to favor … Conway.”
Trump carried every county Bevin pocketed and a dozen more that he didn’t.
Now I don’t know what current polls say in Kentucky about Bevin or Trump, since the effects of losing health insurance in KY are probably only starting to really be felt. Perhaps the blowback will be considerable once enough Kentuckians are personally faced with financial and health catastrophes due to Bevin’s policies. Will that be enough to tip the scales in favor of Democrats?
One calculus that Republicans in the Senate might be making is the impact on the 2020 Presidential election. Even if selected Republicans in deep red states like Wyoming, Mississippi, and Utah are safe regardless of health care anger, they surely don’t want to see the White House back in the hands of the Democrats. And if anger over health care is sufficient to elect the Dem to the Presidency, then it’s also much more likely that one or both houses in Congress will switch too.
Thanks. Gonna save that mofo for several appropriate occasions.
Heard today that the senate has asked for a CBO score but it may take two weeks before it is out. The senate also said that they were not taking any action on the house bill until they see it. It should be very bad. The senate intends to take its time with this. Looks like they have no intention of marching off the cliff like all but 20 of their house repub colleagues did.
And this is the real story. They are all lying. They are playing political games, pretending they are governing while spending the majority of their time and effort figuring out how best work their constituents for the greater good of the Republican conglomerate. They are despicable assholes.
On the other hand, the longer it takes the Senate to draw up legislation the closer to the mid-terms any final deal will be. That means it will be fresher in the voters’ minds…if they bother to use them.
@ncsteve It’s all those keggers dedicated to eliminating government programs. I had to have my stomach pumped after Ex-Im Bank Elimination Night.
@loss_mentality NYC is full of all different species of those people. We ought to build an actual wall on Wall Street to keep Donnie’s banker pals safe. Repealing Dodd-Frank alone won’t cut it!
All that is necessary for the triumph of hypocrisy is that good man give themselves massive brain damage with drugs and self-inflicted blows to the head. Or something.