Discussion: GOP Rep. Resigns From Freedom Caucus After Obamacare Repeal Fails

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In a bizarro way, the freedom caucus were the bright spot in the GOP on Friday for not knuckling under to the pressure from Bannon to just vote and ignore details. Them and the handful of moderate Rs. I may not like their principles but at least they stood by them instead of taking the con.

This guy though. He’s a weasel.


Is Gohmert gonna burn his ID card too ??? What a sad day for Texas !!! Hah !!!

More “kicker” gibberish … Gabby Poe was right !!!

Just wait – now the Freedom Caucus is going to propose litigation affirming the ten commandments.

I’d definitely vote against the first four, generally.

Ted Poe hates Freedom.

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Houston overall went blue this last round - and the changing demographics of Poe’s district likely played a part in his calculus.


Great idea except that I doubt he is sorry, only covering his ass for reelection purposes.


Actually, this concerns me greatly (bigly?). Mercer is deep in bed with the Russians

and the incompetent clueless guy is being manipulated by Putin through these surrogates.

plus I think Priebus is in this camp as well, maybe Pence also.

I doubt that they are terribly concerned about the leaks because these leaks serve to undermine the public’s faith in government. They may even be deliberately behind the leaks. @Rogue POTUS Staff have been tweeting behind the scenes views (leaks) since 1/20 but now are widely believed to be tweeting on behalf of Bannon et.al. This may have been true from the beginning.

It seems to me everything fits with a plan to destroy government as we know it which seems to be Putin’s objective for all Western Governments.

More, more! Encore! Let the full-scale intraparty warfare commence. We want purges, fragmentation, ineffectual flailing about, all while the 2018 countdown timer ticks away…


I think the Freedom Caucus saved the Republican Party from committing suicide by blocking passage of the phony AHCA.

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It’s like quitting the KKK over disagreement on how to burn the crosses.


Take a gander at the shape of Ted Poe’s district:

Golly, that’s a rather strange shape.


I guess he doesn’t believe in freedom any more. Sad.

Well, -F. Gump’s Mom really. He was always careful to give her credit.


Well, when they promise to burn the cross for 7 years and then fail to even light it up due to internal squabbling, maybe you should consider joining a more effective hate group…


Thanks for the very informative contribution! Seems like a lot of demographics are changing all over the place down there!

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First rat. Sinking ship… but we want these idiots to all stay onboard.


A clear case of doing the right thing for the wrong reason.

Well, the right thing for Americans. Accidentally.

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From Wikipedia:

"In 1998, Judge Poe was known for sentences that involved a measure of humiliation, including ordering offenders to shovel manure, a practice which led to the nickname “The King of Shame.”[31] Poe explained, "The people I see have too good a self-esteem. I want them to feel guilty about what they’ve done."

What a complete asshole.


if he really, truly wanted to do something positive for the country, he’d resign from Congress, and have a Democrat replace him. he has no real interest in doing anything for the country, he’s just trying to get the stench of the “Freedom Caucus” off of himself. Not going to happen!

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