Discussion: GOP Rep: Planned Parenthood And Gunman Have 'No Respect' For Human Life

The GOP has a point:

  • Cecile Richards calls for “2nd Amendment remedies” to shut down fertility clinics and ophanages.

  • Members chant “Death to preemies!” and burn little knitted booties at christenings.

  • The Board demands mandatory mammograms for all men, women, children, and pets.

Clearly, both sides are to blame.


“What this person did was evil, and it should remind us all of the common denominator that Planned Parenthood has with individuals like this who have no respect for innocent human life,” Franks said, according to The Hill.

Except that PP has saved many more lives than abortions they’ve performed. Only three percent of their business is abortion, and the rest is STD/STI treatment, family planning, basic women’s reproductive services, and cancer screening and prevention. They do FIVE times as much cancer screening and prevention than abortions and over 11 times more contraception (the thing that prevents women from needing abortions) than abortions. These are facts no matter how deeply Franks wants to deny them.


He should go a step further, ala Brown Santorum, and require the family bring the clump of cells or whatever-formed fetus it is home and get into bed with it. That would prove to the Christo-Sharia Brown Shirts (two kinds of brown, there) the never-born was indeed wanted.


These facts are so important to the larger debate. An attack on Planned Parenthood is really an attack on the concept of women having access to low-cost global OB/GYN and family-planning services. Hell, they even serve men (though, very minimally). First and foremost, PP is all about women taking care of themselves, taking charge of their health. Reproduction is so vitally important an aspect to overall healthcare for women. This needs to be screamed from the rooftops.

Why in the hell does the GOP hate women so much? – And why do so many GOP women?


Wow! Talk about false equivalency- literally! And, yes, what about his “respect” for the sanctity of life and the death penalty, especially when applied to people whom were wrongfully convicted?


The only difference between Rep. Trent Franks and Robert Lewis Dear is that Dear killed people directly, Rep Franks is trying to kill people, specifically women, through legislation. Franks and Dear are of the same cloth and are made from the same uneducated, divisive and sexist-based rhetoric.


This is ‘pro-life’ respect for life: require the woman to risk death so that the fetus dies inside instead of outside of her. In the case of Savita halppanavar this practice killed her.


You joke, but…


And for an overseas example of what they are aiming for…


Because taking away healthcare for millions of women and children is SOOOO REPUBLICAN “RESPECT FOR HUMAN LIFE”!

This is the GOP meme they’ve decided on; CO rep POS JoAnn Windholz went further; she says its ALL PP’S FAULT!

Republicans ARE America’s largest hate group. By far.


And after a baby is born they don’t give a hoot about whether or not that child has a loving home, a good education, adequate shelter and food and care. What about the life of those that are living? What about the life of the mother? She doesn’t count? She is a living breathing human being on this earth but to these forced birthers she is just an incubator. All life isn’t sacred at all.

Oh and btw, it’s not life. It isn’t life until it can live on it’s own outside the mother. It’s a clump of cells, blastocyst or embryo that has the potential to be born if all goes well. Potential is not independent life.


Compare Planned Parenthood to “unstable” terrorist gunman. Act surprised when “unstable” people who believe the comparison take action against “terrorists” being allowed to operate with impunity. Rinse and repeat.


One party is engaging in acts that are legally permissible in the USA, while the other party engaged in a blatantly illegal, criminal act. I wonder if Rep. Franks can understand that.

If he’s so concerned about abortions, it’s really simple. Work to change the laws and work to change people’s hearts and minds to reduce the number of abortions performed. And if he’s unsuccesful at that, he really ought to ask yourself why that is.

In general, if you’re solution to this is to resort to intimidation and violent acts and to play games with doctor’s healthcare privileges, then you’ve lost the thread, not to mention your professed values. And, in the long run, you will lose because violence never works in the long-term. I would have thought true Christians would engage people with open hearts to persuade them, but that’s apparently not their strong suit.


It is hard to believe that people like this could have any respect for themselves…he could not possibly understand the work that planned parenthood does beyond the small % of their resources dedicated to abortions…the majority of their efforts are related to women’s health. We already know GOPers like Franks have an overt hatred for women and they have demonstrated this peculiar proclivity countless times


Yeah Trent, health care for women is a bad thing. Riiiight. I’ll remember you said that come the next election.

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Except somehow the people who are against abortions are overwhelmingly also against contraception, against prenatal care, against the rights of women to say no to sex with their boyfriends/husbands, against the economic and social equality that would give women the power to say no without risking loss of job/home/safety. It’s almost as if their opposition to abortion was about hating women rather than a real concern for embryos that might eventually become citizens.


It’s exhausting living in a reality-based world when so many pols seems to just float like a butterfly above it all.

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Evil Triumphs When Good People Do Nothing

These are elected officials. The GOP elected officials are elected due to some possibilities.

A. They cheat their way in, for the most part. In that case, then the U.S.is in the same situation as the Dominican Republic in 1971.

B. There are more people eligible to vote who favour Republicans.

C. You see where I’m going with this…

The United States will not be saved from rule by Republicans by the Canadians. Or the Germans. Or the British.

No outside force will save it. Only people eligible to vote.

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"It should only increase our commitment to defund organizations … that further this non-ethic of disregarding the sanctity of human life,” he added.

Does that include the DoD or the Chicago PD?

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As ugly on the inside as on the outside.

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“And to stop rapes, women must learn to not incite men. And to stop racism, minorities must not get uppity and call attention to themselves. And to promote profit and job creation, workers must not expect to earn a decent living. To protect your freedoms, you need to be under constant surveillance.”

Welcome to “Blame the Victim.” You want to play? Sorry, no choice but to.

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