Discussion: GOP Rep. On Trump: 'The President Is A Distraction' And Never Learns

What are they afraid of? Trump base = Republican voters. They’re not going anywhere.


That statistic has been pretty constant over time since Trumpler’s investiture. It averages between about 4 to 5 lies per day, over the several reports I’ve seen in the intervening period of time.


I honestly think it’s possible Junior tries to kill himself in all this. He’s just not made of the stuff that can survive his stupid choices. He might well pull his own plug, as it were.

I’ll bet you a dollar he was drunk when he sent that tweet about the emails. He’s in self-destruct mode. If he has people left who care about him, they should really keep an eye on him.


I don’t trust a state that has as many or fewer representatives than senators and more livestock than people. Just prejudiced, I guess.


I haven’t seen the People Mag’s article about his recent misery (just saw its lead which was tweeted), have you?

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I would think arranging a fake “assassination” attempt to take him out of action for a while would be more his style. I’m sure he’d pull it off flawlessly.

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Also Yertle McTurtle has fallen into the pond.

That seems to be going around these days.


A Distraction

Maybe that hour-long G20 dinner ‘chat’ was us doing a dangle?
The lack of post event hoo-ha suggests Trump was excluded from sensitive info a while ago.
But, what if info was planted in Trump to be bragged to Putin in order to observe Russia’s sub rosa behavior and communications?


What a wonderful world that would be.♬

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No, I have not. But I think it’s pretty clear he’s nosediving. And he has a weekend to imagine sitting in front of the senators and trying to respond to Franken et al. He doesn’t have the chops for that.


That ship sailed around the 100 day mark.

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This is when his entitled cluelessness works in his favor. I’d bet he thinks he can snow them. And then the train hits him. ( that’s your cue Ralph)


I’d think 24 hours minus hours for TV watching minus golfing minus junk-eating minus bromancing with Putin minus ranting and raging at his staffers minus sleeping just leaves enough time for 4 to 5 lies.


Or a manly accident: “I was cleaning my crossbow and it went off. There must have been an arrow in the chamber.”

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I agree with @pshah. The reason the GOP tolerates this walking dumpster fire is because they thought they would be able to pass some horrific legislation that Rump would then dutifully sign. Because the Rethugs have NO ability to govern at all, they didn’t realize the amount of pushback they’d receive once they got power. Legislation is stalled, he’s mired in scandals wall-to-wall and EVEN WORSE…

Rump is openly attacking their members and their Party. He doesn’t even bother with attacking Dems that much because they don’t really register to him.

Now, the dumpster is no longer useful to them. And may very well be a liability where he should be an asset.


“In a world where belched methane and dung are as American as apple pie…”


Donald Trump Jr. is reportedly “miserable” and can’t wait for the next four years to end.

Uh-oh, Jr.'s not bought into the 8 years Sarah Huckabee Sanders has been pushing…


:joy: :scream:


the frustration expressed to TPM by many members of the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, who were able to pass a bill to repeal and replace Obamacare only to see the effort fail in the Senate.

For fuck’s sake, it’s like these GOP nimrods in the House are completely unconscious of the fact that most of them are in safely gerrymandered districts so they don’t have to give two shits about opposition to TrumpCare. Gerrymandering is irrelevant in Senate races, and many GOP Senators are from states where opposition to ACA repeal is signficant enough that it could cause them problems in the next two election cycles.

That said, any signs of Republican disarray, dissatisfaction, and defection from TrumpCo is welcome.


Rump is openly attacking their members and their Party. He doesn’t even bother with attacking Dems that much because they don’t really register to him.

Yep, this right here. We are in the midst of (another) mass wraithing of the entire Republican Party.

If you do not deign to associate with Trump, he wields no cosmic power over you.