Looked him up on Wikipedia. He believes that Protestantism is the greatest force for good in history.
First of all, impeachment does not require a criminal statute to have been violated.
Secondly, many feel campaign finance laws actually have been violated by Trump Jr., Kushner, and Manafort at the very least.
Third of all, we’ve probably seen only 10% of the iceberg so far, so you don’t get hysterical, Mr. Brat.
“We’ve gotten a little hysterical.”
Is that what you said about Benghazi, Mr. Brat? I didn’t think so.
Brat, you disgusting piece of excrement. I’m so glad you do not represent me from VA (though you’re right next door to me). We’ll be working even harder next year to oust you enabling, conspiring, anti-American assholes.
We all know the ‘economist’ would be singing a different tune if this were the Obama or Hillary Clinton administrations.
Usually when a man uses the word “hysterical” it’s directed as a misogynist remark to women so I guess you guys might be excused.
What I first meant to say is that he doesn’t really mean any of that non-hysterical BS. You take all the halfway alert GOP people, the ones who can read without moving their lips, they have to be terrified about what’s already happened and what’s going to happen next. Like Josh says, the wheels are coming off this mess a lot faster than anyone envisioned, and strangely enough an ever-more-appalling level of cowardice and treason from the GOP may not actually save them.
I used to be in his district; thankfully, they changed the lines so no more. But Henrico County is just like Ossoff’s district - highly educated, white, “should know better,” who consistently vote NOT against their own interests, unlike the rural voters here in VA. They know exactly who they’re voting for. And just last night at the dog park, a district JUDGE pooh-poohed the whole “Russia thing,” muttering Hillary, Ukraine, yadda yadda. So it was no mystery to me that Ossoff lost. It was a big waste of money and yet another instance of very poor research.
Oh - also here in VA, Corey Stewart who lost to Ed Gillespie by a hair for the Republican nomination for Governor is now going to take on Tim Kaine in what he describes as a “vicious, take-no-prisoners” campaign. Holding my breath on that.
O god. LMAO
All together now ! “Benghazi ! Benghazi ! Benghazi !”
Actually I think Rs haven’t gotten hysterical enough about Russia or anything Donald has does or should be to be doing.
Yeah, you’re right. But what about the 40+% that voted against him? I remember living in a solid R district in North Jersey-didn’t matter what happened-Solid R-getting rid of these clods takes hard work, a wave and a miracle and even then…
This guy looks like the totally smackable villain who eventually gets his comeuppance in a revenge-of-the-nerds type of movie. May it be in life as it is in art.
The longer this staggering display of cowardice within the GOP goes on, the better. Let the country see exactly what they are made of - and what they are voting for. I don’t care how many people say “there’s nothing to see here” they of course DO know better.
You must have already heard about new game I made up. It’s called “‘Ideological Douchebag’ or ‘Kompromat’”?
I’ll go next: Ideological Douchebag!
Anyone else?
Well, he is not Eric Cantor (whom he primaried)
Apparently they like them stupid and arrogant in that congressional district…
Every major media outlet is on the story now. Note to Brat: Within days, it will be you and the other Trumpanzees who are in hysterics.
I’m an economist, not a lawyer, but what you got to do is just name the statute that’s been violated.
Actually, you’re kind of a douchebag, but I digress. It’s called an investigation for a reason. Do you typically start with your conclusion first? That makes you a pretty terrible economist too then.
Yea, I know the origin of the word. OT, but I learned something interesting about “hysteria” recently. The ICD-9 diagnosis of “conversion disorder” was up until the early 1980s called “hysteria”. Interesting in my world, anyway.
He’s the spearpoint of the ignoramous gaggle of Republican lawmakers trying to subtly express the latest Luntz framing directives, this psuedo-academic boy scout looks pretty goofy when he tries to play along with really sly people.
Amazing how many of our Republican lawmakers are proving they fit that sleazy, sneaky, never-tell-the-whole-truth character that perpetually puts party before patriotism.
Garrison Keillor remains prophetic…