Discussion: GOP Rep: Cruz Supporters Won't Stop Pestering Me With 'Vulgar' Phone Calls


He said that Cruz was not responsible for all of his supporters’
actions, but added: “Frankly, I can not imagine supporters of Jeb Bush,
Scott Walker, Lindsey Graham, John Kasich, Marco Rubio, or other
candidates reacting so disgracefully.”

Wake up Pete, this is your party fella.


Clearly, these Cruz supporters suffer from severe cases of arrested development.

Just like Cruz and the rest of the radical right.


Pete, Pete, my boy You in the GOP made the decision to include the Tea party under your “big tent”. you could’ve chosen to be more centrist but nooo.


He said that Cruz was not responsible for all of his supporters’ actions, but added: “Frankly, I can not imagine supporters of Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, Lindsey Graham, John Kasich, Marco Rubio, or other candidates reacting so disgracefully.”

I’ll go one step further. I can’t imagine anyone supporting the politicians Rep. King named.


actually, in republican parlance, they are called intellectuals.


Surely Mr. King recognizes his own role in dispensing questionable ideas and opinions in the blog o sphere and in the MSM. He paved the way for people to think it was reasonable to vent your spleen with no thought to honest debate or decorum. We are living in a graceless age and these guys are part of the reason…I do sympathize with the staff that must parse the negativity on a daily basis.

Welcome to your own base asshole.

(wry grin)


A Republican intellectual is a conservative who has learned—through dint of years of hard work and failure—to tie his own shoes.


Just tell Senator Cruz’s father to stop calling you.


I believe you owe cranky old lesbians an apology.


“He said that Cruz was not responsible for all of his supporters’ action”

"A spokesman for Cruz declined to comment to the Washington Post. "

“He said that Cruz was not responsible” Case rested.

Actually, if they’re that bad, edit them into a loop and play them at the entrance to every Cruz primary/caucus event. It should turn away all but the most die-hard Cruz fans.


I don’t support Crazy Cruz in any way, but, neither do I have sympathy for King.


The Republican Party coddled the type of supporters that King now decries.



GOP policies would doom the country on the Climate Crisis alone. And rule (a particularly Third World concept) connotes wielding power such that it is maintained, no matter whether the populace is satisfied.

If, for example, the (U.S.) GOP were to be able to control voting, depress wages and quality of life, subvert quality education for masses of people, control communications, imprison people more easily and exacerbate social schisms like this “race” business, maybe, in their evil, stunted minds, governing would not be necessary.

To provide an example of rule without effective governance, see below…

As an irony, I would like to offer this book as a window into the place where none other than Ted Cruz actually comes from. In it is an article written by Louis A. Perez, Jr. This article describes Cuba at the end of the Nineteenth Century and, thus, there is no danger of “Communist takeover” to muddy the waters. This is simply a description of a Spanish Colonial governing policy as exhibited in Cuba: a study in mismanagement. Vast gaps between rich and poor, stunning poverty and thus, although nominally still a Spanish colony, a locality similar to (Independent) Mexico during this time. And what was in common with both countries was rule, not effective governance.

One may wonder, in view of the similarity between these two countries, why a huslter like “Marco Rubio” could con Floridians in a way a Mexican could not. The difference is that Cuba’s story is much more recent to Americans; the USSR/USA schism is too arresting and, finally, the opportunities for people with the mindset of Marco Rubio and ****Rafael (Daddy) Cruz too enticing.

Here is the bibliographic citation.

Perez, Louis A., Jr. " ‘Fin de Siecle’ Cuba." in Robert M. Levine, ed. WINDOWS ON LATIN AMERICA. Coral
Gables, FL: North-South Center, University of Miami. 1987.

****The behaviour associated with Marco Rubio in the United States, in terms of its thrust, is more similar to the elder Cruz than Ted. Ted is much more “Americanized”


He’s not “the voice of reason” he’s the voice of “It was great until it happened to me”.



The GOP loved 'em when tehy were teaBabies…

But now they 're HouseTrashing JuvenileTeaLinquents or SenateSon’sOfMitches . The OldGuard
are Harrumphing their disapproval.

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Oh, well

No, those are the guys that he wouldn’t mind being a VP running mate with.