Discussion: GOP Rep. Blackburn: Maybe Trump Jr. Got ‘Duped’

The Skankettes”! I’m gonna love their annual Xmas show at Radio City Music Hall this year. I hear Marsha, Virginia Foxx, and Cathy McMorris-Rogers make a great addition to the kickline in the finale!


Ah, the old “He’s too stupid to have committed a crime!” excuse.

Typical Blackburn bullshit. Move along. Nothing to hear here.


Crap. I’m a two season binge behind on the Americans and you just went and threw in a spoiler.



Indeed. Don Jr’s email chain makes perfectly clear there was no “duping” going on.


My own fault. I started time-shifting it to Saturday because it was just like the Sopranos for me in that rooting for the bad guys and against the FBI left me feeling so morally twisted up, I couldn’t sleep. Actually, it was worse, because I was rooting for the commie spies and for the FBI at the same time. And you miss a couple of time shifts and before you know it, you’re a season behind and then you can’t start the next one and . . .


You know they are in trouble when they bring out forked-tongue Blackburn. Wonder what Trump has promised her?


Ok, so Donnie Derp Jr. got duped. That doesn’t make it any less treasonous.


“It has taken the Democrats 50 years to admit Russia is a bad actor. … We know that Russia always is trying to influence activity in the United States and they are not a good actor. They are not our friend,” she said in an interview on Fox News. She added she’d like to know more about the Clinton Foundation’s links to Russia and former President Barack Obama’s conversations with the country.

Just so I understand -

  • Previous accusations of Clinton Foundation which have been throuroughly discredited - ZOMG!
  • Conversations by former president with foreign leaders of which there is no evidence of anything inappropriate - ZOMG!
  • Sanctions imposed by same president on said foreign country for being bad actors - “Na, na, na, I can’t hear you!”
  • Embarrassing 8th grader level crush loudly and often expressed by current president on said foreign leader - “Snooze.”

“Create jobs and health care”? You really want us to concentrate on that? This year Jan thru June 170k new jobs per month. Last year same time? 192k jobs per month. You are losing that one.

And health care? Really?

But yes, it’s really all about Clinton ties to Russia…


She also railed against the media for focusing its coverage on the “shiny object of the day” rather than what Congress and the administration is doing to create jobs and provide health care.

Ummm Marsha would you have to actually be in session to “create jobs and provide health care”? The only shiny object of the day is you, Marsha, Marsha, Marsha, inserting yourself into the story.

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How could he have been “tricked” into the meeting?

It was spelled out for him in black-and-white what the proposed purpose of the meeting was and who it was going to be with… and he said “he would love it”. Furthermore so did Kushner and Manafort since they were included in the email chain, agreed to and attended the meeting.

This excuse is simply not credible on any level.


Trump claims he has the best genes and hires the best people. Just putting that out as a reminder.


Ya, right Marsha, and Jerry Sandusky was duped too! Such grotesque ignorance!

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“It has taken the Democrats 50 years to admit Russia is a bad actor."


That’s why JFK stood toe-to-toe with Khrushchev with nuclear armageddon being the stake, because we Democrats didn’t know Russia was a bad actor?

This piece of shit is fucking insane.


If so Marsha …

Your comments prove that he’s not the only one —

Maybe he did. By thinking he was so sluck he could slide uphill. He still should have known better but the Trumps don’t even try to learn.

Good God Marsha…do you EAT with that mouth? You are the biggest lying ‘whatever’ and then play the ‘God’ card at every turn. You are despicable.


Fucking space cadet.

“It has taken the Democrats 50 years to admit Russia is a bad actor"

Really? Is that a “liberals are all communists/socialists” dogwhistle or she’s just out to fucking lunch and making shit up on the spot?

“She added she’d like to know more about the Clinton Foundation’s links to Russia and former President Barack Obama’s conversations with the country.”

Oh, I see. Not long now before they’re actively accusing the Obama administration of setting all of this up with Russia to ensnare Trump, his family and allies because they knew Trump was a populist powerhouse voice of the people who would win and undo all of Obama’s socialist legacy and deep state plans to turn Murikkka into a Sharia law caliphate.


Marsha, Marsha, Marsha. Who go duped? DERP.

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