Discussion: GOP Rep. Acknowledges That Members Expect Donations For Votes

And these are the no goodniks (From both parties) who the people expect to legislate against the SCOTUS decisions about campaign financing and political “contributions?” (Sounds more like the days of Huey Long every day, doesn’t it? ) I wonder, if and when they get themselves elected and before they go out and commit perjury by taking their oaths of office, each and every one of them doesn’t get a “deduct box” made for themselves too…
Let’s get real here. Anyone who not at the public trough or hopelessly “Pollyanna” should now understand that this group of individuals cannot be trusted with campaign finance reform.
It’s simple.
Do you ever vote to cut your own throats, when it’s easier and more profitable to cut the throat of someone who not only can’t give you money, but is defenseless to boot.

Dial back the “liberals whine” stuff. That’s hardly a universal opinion among liberals.


Strangely enough I like this man and wish he would run again. I’m guessing he is in a safe GOP district and I’d rather have an honest, straightforward Republican than a right wing Democrat … at least in the LA house delegation.

You ain’t lying.

Well, I think it is more about liberals worrying that her health will change during a republican presidency, causing her to have to retire but if those liberals would get their butts out and vote, we won’t have to worry about the republicans ever getting back into the WH


The GOP is not going to get anywhere admitting that they accept bribes just like the Democrats do. What an idiot to admit what everyone knows anyway. Congress sucks and they’re all crooks.



Quaintly considered by the Supreme Court to be “free” speech.

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Gawd, what is it about conservative wingnuts and their hair??

They really need to invest in some blow dryers or seek out a good barber that knows what their doing.

This guy looks like he has Rand Paul’s poodle on his head.

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So he just admitted he accepts bribes. Book him Dano!

If the rich could hire other people to die for them, the poor could make a wonderful living.

Yiddish Proverb


There, now it’s fixed isn’t it?

No news this. Business - industry, finance, service, etc. - has been keeping legislators well fed for doing their bidding since the 19th century, if not before. Their contributions to candidates and the elected are in effect employment contracts.

If Justice Thomas died during oral argument, how could anyone tell?


Weidman says the Foundation “does not make political expenditures of any kind.” Of course nearly every expenditure of the Foundation is for political activity, but they have a separate checkbook for DIRECT political expenditures that doesn’t say “Foundation” on it.

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So the guy dances the dance, votes no and got screwed out of his payday anyway? Then whines that it’s because Jindal and the Heritage are mad at him.
LOL, what a doofus.


Ever notice that the ONLY politicians who tell the truth are the ones who are no longer running for office?
It must be a HUGE relief to them to not have to get on their knees and suck at the “fund raising spigot” every single day of their careers.
The typical US Senator MUST raise $10,000 EVERY SINGLE DAY they are in office to get re-elected in the US Senate. The typical Congressman must raise $1000/Day and they only have 2 year terms (Senate is 6 years). Think about that for a minute. It puts their actions into perspective doesn’t it?

In other words, they’re whores.

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Here’s your sign, Vance :stuck_out_tongue:

The fact that Rep. Vance McAllister, ® Louisiana states the obvious is proof that the corrupting influence of money should be taken out of politics. Democracy cannot long endure the influx of money when there are no limits on the amounts of it and the “begging” for money that occurs when sitting representatives who proclaim that their votes are for sale.

The only way to end this is to have 100 percent public financing of the political system and to have FCC rules to allow free air time for political candidates only by corporate television.