Discussion: GOP Rep. Accidentally Signed Up Dem As Co-Sponsor On Abortion Bill

Discussion for article #232122

Two mentions of Nebraska in one day? Well, I feel loved now.


I think you meant Black not Blackburn…

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Just another example of their incompetence. I’m not sure if it’s Black’s or Blackburn’s. Hey, should I keep a file listing it?

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Is this an attempt at bipartisanship by republicans? Sign 'em onto a bill w/o their knowledge. Crafty.


Someone really ought to register Steve King as a co-sponsor on legislation to replace the Constitution with the Koran.


Republicans need to cheat to win.

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What he should do is write a anti-gun pro-abortion bill add a little special financing to Obamacare and put Blackburns name on it…


Can’t comprehend, read or write and from tenn. standard stuff
They don’t call it the volenteer state for nothing. lol

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Abortion bill? WTF? What about the economy? Jobs? Healthcare?
An abortion bill? Really? Is that truly a top fucking priority???

Thanks, American voters. Stellar job you did in electing these people, making them a majority in the House.

Adam Smith was upset that he accidentally became a sponsor of the bill. In a Wednesday floor speech, he objected to the rule that allows members to sign their colleagues onto bills without a signature.

Indeed. Seems like an absolutely dumb rule.

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Accidently or purposely?

I get why he’s upset. He’s probably imagining some future opponent attacking him for it, and his denials looking like lies when someone digs up the bill with his name. He might be explaining this the rest of his political career.