Discussion: GOP New Mexico Secretary Of State Faces 65 Corruption Charges

  • dick -

65? Energetic.

“Well, I have no idea. I just don’t know, that’s amazing,”

LOL. Enjoy prison.


It’s called getting even. He deserves it.

UGH - this highlights one of the weak points of representative democracy - truly amoral people can jump into the process and be phenomenally good at faking sincerity & honesty - while simply gaming the system for their own advantage - sometimes they can fool enormous portions of the population with synthesized charm. To be fair - it happens all over the political spectrum and ultimately when they are exposed, usually the people who end up hating them the most are not their ‘opponents’ but their ‘supporters’… but then again - because they are such incredible con-artists … they often suck their marks right back into the same scheme.


What are you getting even for?

More than likely a ante crime and family values REPUKE

This type of action does not surprise me in the least. I have lived in many cities large and small around the country, north, south, east and west and I have never seen the attitudes from Republican elected officials flouting laws as I have seen here in East TN. Examples: County Clerk embezzling some $90,000 over 3 years. After getting caught usual apology non-apology. Punishment, nah just reimburse about $30,000 and loose the job. Another the week an elected official got his city credit card he used it to purchase a pickup for personal use. Punishment, nah just keep the truck and reimburse the taxpayers less than 1/2 of cost of the vehicle. Following election he was reelected.

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It’s over with. Richard knows what it’s about. But thanks for asking Randy.

I am guessing this puts a real dent in Martinez’s VP resume? Its kind of hard to claim ignorance on something this massive.


My favorite part of the article: “Duran (pictured above on the right)”
In case we were thinking she was the bearded guy on the left.


Only 65?

What kind of Republican IS this woman?

The money quote:

"Duran (pictured above on the right) "

Without that, I couldn’t have figured out who was who.
They could have just said she was the one who shaved this morning.

What I find funny is that according to my database, back in 2011 she was bitching that New Mexico had a “culture of corruption.”

Definitely Veep material.

Whew! Republican!

…then she got ‘culture’…because $$$

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You never know. Lots of Republicans have beards.

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