More hopeful. But aware that it’s difficult and maybe not likely. However, I’m not ready to give up hope - or to quit fighting.
Years ago a friend of mine that is hard right claimed that the years of obstruction by the GOP against a Dem president was just as the founders envisioned.
That’s in Article VIII, isn’t it? Right after the section about “no black presidents.”
We just threw a couple of billion in cost overruns to the Gerald Ford.
Ah, we can throw this on the heap of continuing resolutions and debt ceiling increases. Courage, thy name is not GOP.
Great. I have no problem dragging this issue into 2018. One way, you didn’t keep your promise. The other way, you take away poor people’s health care.
Pick your poison. Remembet: both of them are poison.
See you at the polls!
And this hard right person was a friend?!?
I think you meant to say “don’t govern”. People who hate government never learn how to govern because they have no desire to see government function well.
He has a crib sheet.
yeah, I get that too, they wrap themselves in the nobility of preventing Democrats from giving ‘their’ stuff to other people. Gave up on the Founders America a long time ago.
Let me get this straight: All but a couple of them voted to Repeal w/o Replace.
Yet they want to put the ACA on a year’s life support?
Do I get that right?
So even if congress passes some sort of short term fix – doesn’t trump still have to sign it? What are the chances they come to a veto proof majority in both houses? Unfortunately I think trump is going to kill the ACA just because he can.
What a weak-willed bunch of liars. First they run for 7 years claiming that Obamacare is a scourge to society and needs to be repealed. which they failed to do and now they are going to actually participate in extending and delaying the eventual collapse of the individual market by bribing insurance companies.
These clowns deserve the ass kicking coming to them next November.
Not even close, Justine.
The only danger facing the individual market is the determination of Republicans to actively sabotage the law.
The CSR payments are most assuredly not a bribe.
They are part of the ACA that keeps premiums lower for poorer Americans with significant health problems.
As is your habit, you deliberately misstate the issue and ignore the substance of the law.
Discussing details with a bipartisan back and forth is progress, but we will have to wait and see if it gets anywhere.
They have NO PROBLEMS “Throwing Money” at the .01% as Tax Cuts, or “Throwing Money” that the Pentagon DOES NOT WANT at the Defense Budget, or “Throwing Money” at a stupid-fucking-WALL that the people who will live next to it are adamantly opposed to…
More proof that be a Republican these days means you must have a Black Belt in Propaganda and Cognitive Dissonance.
Pass a longer-term CSR. You can always add language that removes the appropriation in your next failed attempt to repeal Obamacare.
Stand strong Democrats.
Of course they lied to you about Obamacare being the scourge of society. And dopey meatballs like you bought it hook line and sinker.
The biggest problem is they don’t know how to talk to each other. I suggest we put them in a room, lock the door and not let then out until they agree on something good for the American people.
So you want them permanently entombed?