Discussion: GOP-led House Backs NSA Limits

Discussion for article #224168

Must have been a crap load of DEMS who agreed.

Actually, its not that unusual for Libertarians and Liberal Dems to agree on this and a few other things.

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keep an eye on the senate, they can be a bit of a weasel when it comes to obeying the constitution

Interesting to see how DiFi reacts to this. She’s only against the powers she helped to endow the NSA with when they’re spying on her.

Somewhat of a side issue to this story, but…

…the administration has tried to reduce the population of Guantanamo, where 149 are being held.

Prediction (though I probably won’t still be around to see it): a few decades from now, the U.S. Government will be paying reparations to some of these detainees, and our willing abandonment of our most basic legal principles will be a source of deep embarrassment to absolutely everyone.

People held in legal limbo without charges, without a hearing, without any recourse. It makes me so proud.

I keep hoping that one day the posturing and pandering will end and governing will resume.