What is the person called who follows the elephants at the circus parade, the one who shovels everything left behind into a trash can?
A MSM Journalist?
Yes! But they did not just find the problem, they created the problem and refuse to fix it.
WHEre WAs NObaMA on THis? aLL of THE LEGISLation OHBUMMer has PAssed heLPs the RIch ONLY. What ABOUT The POOR? HE just DOEsn’t carE about the 47% that LIVE in Abject MOOCHery. ONLy the GOP caN right this wrONG and taKE it TO THe waLL street FAT CAts!1!1!!!one!1!!!
It’s always hilarious how The GOP changes it’s talking points to fit the times. For years Obama’s economic policies where a complete disaster for everyone. Now they only benefit the rich. How did that happen. .
How is it possible for these two gargoyle to pretend that they are not financed and controlled by the plutocrats that ditate every aspect of modern life.The political circus just a sideshow that keeps the population "in it’s place " while the wealth of the working class is usurped by those that are making the rules.
They have a point. His policies have in many ways been trickle down, almost as much as the Republicans. Like most Democrats he gives lip service to financial reform but in the long run he serves the same financial masters. It’s nauseating that this is being called out by two such hypocritical, grovelling scumbags, but the truth is the truth.
Jaw dropping shameless. And to be expected.
This is awesome. Dem’s should let them pursue this talking point. They’ll walk themselves right into a situation where they have no plausible policy moves.
“Obama’s policies have only helped the wealthy! So… let’s, uh, lower taxes on the wealthy… So we can help them… more. So, uh, it’ll trickle down to everyone else… even more?”
“Obama’s policies have only helped the wealthy! So let’s… raise? taxes on them…” glances at base. “I mean, no, nevermind, Obama’s policies are great!”
BS, BS, BS, BS, Benghazi, BS, BS, BS, Benghazi, BS, Bs, Benghazi …
Come on boys, how about a solution or two to the problem that you have suddenly discovered?
I tried to watch it, I really tried. I figured that since both these Plutocratic SOB’s were going to run the Ledge (no matter how much I wish otherwise) it might be useful to hear them out. Then came Scott Pellys first question.
The first answer out of their pie holes was the title of this article and I could not stomach another second of their bullsh*t.
The only thing that was running through my mind was: Gd dmmit you racist b*stards. Can’t you give the black President any credit for Anything. Both of you can go frack yourself.
Goddamn! It’s ridiculous that their arguments are so ideological driven, they can’t admit when they are wrong, and they won’t do what would, not only help the middle and lower folks, but would still allow the rich to be rich. Goddamn!
Having poor people die. A rising death rate lifts the boats of the survivors.