I’d thought the more common analogy was to a microscopic whacking off their little tails: the Gamete Gauntlet from Popeil Products,maker of the famous Pocket Fisherman and the Slicer-Dicer-De-Icer. something like that.
I remember when I got my vasectomy. They wanted to insert an ultrasound wand rectally so that I could see the little sperm that would no long be able to reproduce, but instead I opted for swallowing the miniature camera so they could check things out that way. Or not!
I find holding a cockring between my pressed knees works pretty well…
Is that really cowardly, or just stupid… maybe both?
Crock of BS!!!
Let’s see. Decided two children were enough, told my doctor I wanted a vasectomy, he said you realize this is pretty much irreversible. I said ‘yup”. He said I’ll call and make an appointment and said I should hear from them in a day or two. Received the call, scheduled a sick day for the appointed day, went in, got the vasectomy (no “whacking down there” as far as I remember – cold hands though, I remember thinking “shrinkage!”), got up, went to the market to fill my painkiller prescription, got a bag of frozen peas while I was there, went home and tubed out for the rest of the day.
No 2nd doubts on my behalf, wondering if I was doing the right thing, no societal shaming, I didn’t have to drive 400 miles because there’s only one clinic in the state that performs vasectomies, didn’t have to watch a video intended to raise doubts about my decision, didn’t have
to endure a needless, intentionally-humiliating medical procedure intended to raise doubts and make feel shame, didn’t have to endure having “murderer” screamed at me or have photos of spermless semen shoved in my face when I entered the hospital. It was as about a painless a procedure as you could imagine – even the painkillers were unnecessary (though very much appreciated). So, yeah, much more difficult than getting an abortion.
Well, not to put it too bluntly, when a woman wants an abortion, does the abortionist insist on finding out if her husband is ok with it? Because that IS fairly standard practice, that the doctor wants to know what your wife thinks about the matter before you get a vasectomy.
Like your vas deferens are joint marital property, or something.
He’s a politician. I would assume he has a mistress. Wasn’t he timing how long her abortion took?
Ain’t no doctor gone be whacking on me down there. I can handle it my own self.
What an idiot! There’s a vas deferens between a vasectomy and and an abortion procedure.
[Sorry…a little.]
Alright, I guess we need to pass a law so that every medical procedure is just as difficult as the most difficult medical procedure. So if you go in to have a mole removed, it’ll be just as difficult as brain surgery. Either that, or we mandate that rightwing politicians have that operation that removes their head from their asses so they can finally think first before speaking.
The doctor always discusses the procedure. They do not just do it to people. That is part of medicine and consent. The issue is, when the legal body inserts itself beyond that to spout nonsense. If for instance the doctor had to tell you getting one would lead to testicular cancer or something just because the congress wanted them to do so.
doc, he’s from tennessee.
Debatable. To get a lobotomy, you have to possess a brain. Even giving him that, it’s clearly a very very smooth brain, so it’s doubtful it had any lobes.
Conveniently, Gardenhire ignores that fact that it was HIS CHOICE to wait and think about it. There is no government mandate that he do.
Conveniently, Gardenhire ignores the fact that he could go to his own doctor for the procedure instead of being forced to travel hundreds of miles to find a clinic that will perform the procedure because the legislature has written so many trap laws that other providers were forced to close.
Conveniently, Gardenhire ignores the fact that he didn’t have to have any government mandated and medically unnecessary procedures (like having something shoved up his urethra without his consent) of having his doctor read inaccurate script written by lawmakers who know nothing about the procedure OR have to watch an ultrasound of all the sperm he was dooming.
Conveniently, Gardenhire ignores the fact that the hallways in his doctor’s office aren’t mandated to be a certain width or that his doctor have admitting privileges at a local hospital – even though cutting will be done unlike most abortions.
Conveniently, Gardenhire ignores the fact that there are absolutely NO laws governing a man’s decision to have a vasectomy. It is his decision and his alone.
So, yeah, I can see how Gardenhire might think it’s harder to get a vasectomy… deciding which pants to wear to the procedure must have been tough.
GOP Lawmaker Says It’s Harder To Get A Vasectomy Than An Abortion
Not so!
Just because no one will touch your junk.
This might be even more idiotic than saying circumcision and clitoridectomy are equivalent procedures.
On what planet?
Sam, this is an awesome response, I’m going to use it frequently if you don’t mind.
There are a lot of idiots in politics these days.
(shakes head and walks away,… thinks better of it and decides to edit post)
This yahoo seems to think that in the face of multiple restrictions on abortion that presently exist that getting the procedure is simple and easy.
I know of no state or federal restrictions or even Supreme Court decisions on vasectomies. All a man need do is arrange for the time, place and payment for the procedure.